Too much shit

Michael's homecoming is up in the air right now. It was mentioned that he'd be flying home on the 24th of this month. Then, HR/Personnel told him, I think, that he may not fly home until late May. I wish someone would give us a good answer, an answer that we want to hear. Not this bullshit.

His pay has been fucked up, too. Apparently, they had him down as single instead of married. It's bullshit. He should have been getting extra money starting the 1st of this month. When it didn't happen, I emailed him. He talked to the personnel people again and they told him it should show up on the 15th. Umm, no it won't. I checked his statement and it's still his normal pay. I told him. He went back and that's when we found out they fucked his shit up. If they've had him single this whole time, I wonder if there is any backpay. I just emailed him about it. I doubt there is, but it's nice to dream.

May 1st will be the paycheck with the extra money. It will be wonderful. I can get a lot of the bills paid, I can get the rent all caught up (apparently we missed one in October) and I can buy FOOD and not run out before the next payday. I might even get myself an iPod; I've wanted one for sooooo long. I want a black one with 60GB. Oh yeah. That would be perfect. I want to get one for Michael, too.

Oh, oh, oh. He's lost weight since he's been gone. He's been going to the gym the last couple of months three times a week for about an hour or so. He's lost 20 pounds!! I'm so proud of him!! I've stayed the same weight, roughly. I don't go below 152 and I don't go above 155. He was over 180 pounds when he left (he's 5'9") and he's now 159 pounds. I can't wait to see him. He's going to look great!

That's all for now, I suppose. I leave in about a half an hour, not to return for the rest of the day. Whoopee!


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