What others see in me

When I'm at work, I receive one of three compliments:  "Your [eye] make-up looks incredible!"  "I love your hair color [currently red]; it looks great with your complexion."  "I wish my complexion was as clear as yours!"  Each of these statements make me blush.

There is one element that makes my eye make-up stand out-- glitter.  I *love* to wear glitter.  I wear it on and around my eyes when I go to work.  When I get ready for only class, I leave the glitter at home.  I have found that my "regulars" come in to see what I've done next with my make-up.  The glitter is only the icing; the cake is a combination of the colors that I use and how I blend them.  In fact, earlier today, a older woman ("mature" if you will) asked me if I was doing something special after work since I was wearing all that glitter.  I told her, "No, Ma'am, I always do this with my make-up."  "That's very unusual," was her only reply.

I'm a natural blonde (kind of a dirty blonde, but blonde nonetheless) and I'm not a fan.  Then again, who IS a fan of their natural hair color these days?  I prefer a red-brown.  The red undertones actually do look better with my complexion than my natural blonde.  The blonde washes me out too much; I'm pretty pale (which is my next topic), so the red really helps in bringing color to my face.

My complexion is very fair; I burn easily.  When I go shopping for face powder and foundation, I have to pick up Classic Ivory, otherwise my face is way too dark.  Currently, my face powder is only one shade darker (experimenting to see how much of a difference is made) but I think I'll go back to the Classic Ivory when this one is done.  I still get zits from time to time, usually once a month.  ;)

So, in a nutshell, I think people see me as being very unique.  A lot of it has to do with where I'm living now and where I've lived prior to here.  I'm in northeast Texas, part of the Bible Belt.  Most of my life, I've lived north of the Bible Belt, where people aren't as likely to judge you for who or what you believe.  Life down here is very different than what I'm used to, so I think that's why I stand out so much here.  I don't have any problems with that.  I'm memorable.. at least, for a little while.  ;)


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