I can't believe five years went by so fast

Five years ago today, my world changed.

My mother and sister were in town (we were stationed in San Diego, CA at the time).  My sister, husband, and I were all active duty Navy and my mother drove into town from Denver, CO.  I was nine months pregnant and eight days overdue.  My mother got into town late morning on that Saturday.  We had pizza and then Mom went to the Navy Lodge for a bit.

At roughly 5:30 that evening, my water broke.  After gathering my hospital stuff and trying to calm down (as well as keep track of the contractions), we hopped in my car (my husband, myself, and my mother-in-law) and drove to Naval Medical Center San Diego.

Once we arrived, the doctors had me pee on a stick to make sure that it was my water that had broken and then they checked to see how dialated I was.  As it turns out, my baby had turned a 180 and was now breech.  I didn't want the doctors to risk hurting her so I told them I wanted a Cesarean.  "Are you sure?" they asked me.  What?  Of course I was sure!

As I awaited surgery, I was getting pumped with the anesthetic drugs so that I wouldn't feel the incision.  I was loopy as hell.  My husband was there in the operation room and was able to cut her umbilical cord.  I felt pressure and I think I felt her being removed from me.  It was an odd sensation.

It was magic, I swear, the first time I held her.  We named her Belladonna Satine.  Tomorrow, we celebrate the fifth anniversary of her birth.  Below are two photos from each year thus far.  Newborn, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, and 4 years.  We'll be celebrating her birthday in the evening and I will post some pictures.


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