I just figured out something awesome

So, I went to my college's website to check out the catalog for 2010-2011 to see which classes I needed for two different Associate's degrees.  I've already taken most of my core classes; I'm actually finishing up the last three of those this semester (College Algebra, Physical Science [Physics], and State & Local Government).

I need six more classes to complete an Associate's degree in Business Administration.  The necessary classes are Principles of Accounting I & II, Business Calculus (just the word "calculus" scares me), Principles of Microeconomics, Principles of Macroeconomics, and Business Law.  The last class flows right into the second Associate's degree I want.

I need five more classes for an Associate's in Criminal Justice.  Those necessary classes include:  Fundamentals of Criminal Law, Texas Peace Officer Law, Texas Peace Officer Procedures, Texas Peace Officer Skills, Criminal Investigation, and Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement.  Now, the classes that have "Texas Peace Officer" in the title have a symbol next to them, which makes me think they may not necessarily be required.  If that's the case, then I only need THREE classes for that program.

I'm confident that I can finish all of those classes by the end of Fall semester next year, if not Spring semester 2013.  It IS possible to take 5 classes (instead of 4) at a time, I just don't know if they'll allow me to do that.  It also depends on what is offered and when.  I need to sit down with my faculty advisor to get it all hammered out.  I DO know that in completing these two degrees in two different fields will help me find a better job than what I have now.

When the Spring semester for 2012 is over, my GI Bill will finally be all gone.  I'll still be eligible for the Pell grant (which is AWESOME), so if I want to back off a little bit to focus on maybe getting more hours at my current job (haha,  yeah right), I can.


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