Last post

At least for now.

I haven't been very good at updating things here. I only know of one, maybe two, people who read this particular blog. to me, that isn't enough to keep it updated. That, and well, we haven't had a chance to play much since he got home.

I'm now almost eight and a half months pregnant. Baby's due in about three weeks... 19 days. Room might as well be considered done. We have a portable crib that we're going to keep downstairs and a bassinet is on the way. We're ordering the crib online (easier that way) after this next payday. We're using my old dresser my mother refinished for her dresser; all of her clothes are put away in it now, including the blankets we've received thus far. One drawer left now.

We've moved into a much better home. Since our family is growing, we requested a larger housing unit and got a four-bedroom. Now everyone has their own room and we have space for everything.

Not much more to update on. For those who read this blog, you should know of the one I actually updated kind of regularly. Keep checking that one.


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