Grow a Brain, People!

This is taken from a journal post I made on a moms website. Sometimes, I feel really proud of myself for making good arguments and points. I can't help but beam about this post.

This kind of goes along with my last journal post on that moms website (posted at the bottom of this entry). The same people mentioned in that post, as well of loads of other people, seem to rely heavily on those who can do readings, be it tarot, rune, psychic, etc. There have been groups I've been in, in hopes of helping others with my Tarot, only to find out that people are whiny and cannot rely on themselves to pick up and live their lives. They need someone to tell them where they're going, how to do, what they need to do; do they need someone to wipe their ass as well? It's amazing they can even get by in their day-to-day lives without calling up the local tea leaf reader! I have left groups because I couldn't handle being around so many whiny people. Can you give me a reading? My life is shit, can I have a reading? I can't shit right, can I have a reading? My cousin's friend's sister's aunt's baby daddy hasn't been around much but I still want to know if they're going to be there for their kid, can I have a reading? If you can't see for yourself that someone's baby daddy won't be there until they grow up and mature, then you need to mature a little bit and learn how to read actions. People like this annoy the hell out of me. It really is a wonder to me how they have lived up until now without any kind of divinatory or psychic help. If you come running to me because you can't figure out what to do at 1:27pm next Thursday, I won't tell you; if anything, I'll tell you to just live your life as you normally would. Don't clog up time over the little shit. You can work through it yourself. Be an adult, grow a brain and stop asking people to think for you.

Oh yeah.. the folks who say, "...when you have the time," is just their way of guilt-tripping you into giving them a reading sooner and/or before someone before them! I was in a group when I first joined CafeMom and offered to do readings while my husband was deployed. I gave specific guidelines, and when I said that I was no longer offering them to new people, I would still get bombarded with requests! I finally had to leave the group and give another reader the remaining names I had to do readings for. It was too much for me to handle; people constantly nagging and asking you for a reading.

I keep thinking to myself.. if they really want a reading and don't want to wait, learn how to do it yourself. If you want a psychic to help you, wait in line. The ratio of psychics to non-psychics is probably a 1 to 200+ so wait your turn. Otherwise, go to your local occult store (or Barnes & Noble, as they carry Tarot cards) and pick up the simplest Tarot deck you can find; you can ask the nice sales associate to help you, as that's what they're there for. Tell them you need a very simple, easy to read deck, as it is your first and you're learning. Pay them and take the deck home so you can learn to do your own fortunes. When you feel comfortable enough, offer to your friends.. and then see the requests come piling in. Soon, you'll find yourself swamped with people to read for and then, maybe then, you'll understand what it's like to be someone who can do readings and understand why they aren't offered very often. This especially goes if the only layout you can do is the Celtic Cross, as it takes up much of your time.

*big breath*

Okay I feel better.

Also, those asking if there are children in their future.. Ummm, take a look at both your families and figure out the ration and read up on your family medical history. My husband and I, when we first started talking about having kids, deducted that yes we'd be able to reproduce (hell, he already had a son previously) and that, more than likely, it would be a girl. Why? We looked at both our families. Let's start with his.

His grandmother was only one of 10 or 12 children, four of those children were sets of twins. As far as I know, neither made it through childhood. She had more sisters than brothers. Her children: three girls, one boy. First daughter had my son (and a miscarriage; tubes tied afterward), second daughter had two girls one boy, third daughter had three girls, and the son had one boy. My husband had one boy with his ex-wife. One of his cousins had a baby and was a girl. Now, my family.

My grandmother is one of five children; three boys, two girls (if I remember correctly). My grandmother's children were all girls. Her oldest daughter had two boys, one girl; her middle daughter had one of each; my mother had two girls. My oldest cousin had a girl with his wife. So, deductive reasoning told me we were having a girl. Found out later that my cousin had a little boy this summer, as did my sister.

Again, this goes back to grow a brain. Look at your family history (both of you) to deduct what gender of baby you're having. The previous paragraphs are to the best of my knowledge.

Journal post previously mentioned:
I'm trying to figure out why people (in general) shun those who practice magick and tarot cards and such, yet they're obsessed with knowing their future and destiny. All the time, I see people poking fun at my beliefs, yet when they want to know if their luck is going to change, or will they finally find their one true love, etc., the first people they go to are the ones they made fun of (for reading Tarot, casting stones [Runes], using the psychics they claimed they never believed in). I don't get this.


  1. You already know how I feel about this!

    Thanks for your comment, Tam. It nearly made me cry (and it WASNT the hormones!)

    I love you dearly, Scramblah <3


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