Potty Training Plan for Bella

I just wanted to clarify that this is how I'm planning to potty-train my daughter. I haven't started yet. Thank you for the encouragement!! I'm really hoping this works.

When I start to potty-train my daughter (she's almost 2), I'm planning on setting up "times" to go.

Right after she wakes up, we go to the potty and sit for a few minutes.
About 30-60 minutes after breakfast and juice, we go again.
Before nap time (after lunch), we go again.
After nap time, go sit on the potty again.
Two hours after nap time is over, do it again.
After dinner, we visit the potty again.
Once more before bed time.

I'm betting it looks easier than it really is. This is what I'm hoping to accomplish, anyway. I don't want to use a potty chair or training pants/pull-ups, as I feel it hinders the potty-training process. Big girl panties and the vinyl panties that go on over the cloth panties. I don't really want to use a potty chair because most kids [I know] would see it as a new toy, not something to go potty in. I want to get a potty seat for the toilet and sit her on it.

By the time I begin her potty-training, she won't be getting her bottle at bed time (so as to avoid night time accidents), as well as nothing an hour before bed time.

What do you all think? I mean, are these goals realistic?? She's already tugging at her diaper and sometimes she tries to pull her pants down. She can say, "potty," as well and says it every time any of us use the bathroom. If possible, we leave the door open so she can see. She's also taken an interest in helping us (hubby and me) dress her. I'm told that's another sign they might be ready for potty-training.

My family and I are also moving from San Diego to Denver in about three-and-a-half weeks and I don't want her to revert back to diapers; I'm waiting until we get to Denver to really start any kind of potty-training.

On another note: Has anyone heard of the 3 Day Method to potty-training? What are your thoughts??


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