So much has happened in the last year

Where do I start? I'll try to remember back from the last post, in March 2009.

Bella started walking around the house and take off her shirt. Sometimes, she'll be walking around with her pants below her butt-cheeks. Yesterday, Patrick came inside from smoking and went looking for her in the bathroom (she loves washing her hands like a big girl) and she came out completely stark naked and said, "Hi Daddy!"

She makes me giggle.

I also found Twitter and became addicted for a short time. My name on there is TamKea23.

Around July 1st,
Patrick and I checked out the Kindercare by our home and we really liked it.. better than the La Petite we visited. I need to call La Petite and let them know that Bella won't be attending their facility, but I need to come up with a good reason. Y'see, I told them THAT day that I wanted Bella to go there, so they made a file for her already. I can't think of any good reason (other than we just liked Kindercare better) to give them. I guess I can tell them that it will be awhile because we need to find Bella a pediatrician (which we do) or just let them know we decided on a licensed home daycare that's cheaper. I don't want to hurt their feelings, you know?

Kindercare's building is what used to be Children's World, so I already had an idea as to how it was set up. I like the individual rooms for the age groups instead of just one big room (like the Le Petite we visited). Everything about it (Kindercare) was awesome. They've reached their ceiling on CCAP families but we can still pay out of pocket, if we wish to.

In mid-July, Bella had a check-up. I was made to be one proud Mama.

Bella's in the "above" 50th percentile in her height and weight. I always thought she was underweight, but the P.A. says she's doing just fine. Bella was talking to her like she was Mommy; in full, somewhat complete sentences. The P.A. was quite impressed with how well she spoke [for her age]. She told me that most kids her age have a vocabulary of maybe 50 words; I lost count at 250. Bella can use words in Spanish and Mandarin, thanks to Dora and Kai Lan, and know what they mean. At this rate, she may become tri-lingual.

Apparently, we were so on top of her immunizations in San Diego, that Bella doesn't need anymore until she' 4 years old! Wahoo! The P.A. told me that Bella is far beyond where most kids her age are; I knew my kid was special, but didn't want to make it sound like she's better than anyone else's kid, you know? I'm happy knowing that she's just a normal, happy and healthy kid.

I know I have my mother-in-law to thank for Bella's vocabulary. During a lot of Bella's infant life, my mother-in-law was home with her. Every day, she worked with Bella on her words, appendages, parts of her face, etc. Bella was pointing to the parts of the body the P.A. was checking. It was awesome.

And now, the big reason why she needed her check-up... today was her first day of daycare at Kindercare. Normally, when dropping her off in a new environment, she kinda wigs out and cries when Mommy walks away. Not this morning. She was off playing with some toys she'd found and a couple of other kids. When Patrick picked her up this afternoon, she didn't want to leave! I'm glad she's having a good time. They called Patrick this afternoon to a) get the verbal okay that she can wear the sunblock they provide and b) let us know that she was having a great first day. I got home from my post-school errands and I'm handed a progress report of what they did today. I'm very happy.

In December, we made the decision to move to northeast Texas (Mt. Pleasant). This area of Texas is less than two hours east of Dallas and will be much closer to my step-son's soon-to-be new home. The opportunities as a whole are much better down there than here; we're still living at my mother's house and need to get out. This is the best thing for my family. My mother-in-law will be coming with us, which makes us extremely happy. I'm transferring to another Walgreens and Patrick and his mom will be able to find work down there without much problem.

At the end of January, I graduated from school. Nothing too big. I didn't care for having a potluck, but I was convinced to do one anyway. Hardly anyone brought anything.. just as I had originally expected. Oh well.

In March, I received word that my grandfather wasn't doing well. This is part of a post I made the first week of March:

My Aunt Vicky (dad's side) sends emails to the family letting us know how Pappy is doing (my grand-dad). You see, his wife, my grandmother, passed away six years ago this June (kidney failure, I think); I'm proud of him for living this long without her. I've been in tears since I read the below email; I don't think he'll make it through the month.

I was going to try and see about plane tickets back there, but realized that I can't without dates. This would be the first time in six years I'd have made it back. I've been in tears since reading the second-to-last line nearly 20 minutes ago. The aforementioned grandmother was my favorite, and I took it really hard. I still break down when I see things reminding me of her.

Morning all, just a note to informed you about dad. he was at his dialysis yesterday when his blood pressure bottomed out and they called the squad to transport him to the hospital. hes in mt Carmel east room 420 . looks like he will be in for at least the weekend while they try to get it under control. he has a bit of pneumonia and they are treating that as well. he has lost the strength in his legs and hands and will have to have some therapy help to get that back. has also asked the doctors not to bring him back if his heart quits. I"m heading to the hospital and hoping have more info later.

Pappy died the Monday of St. Paddy's. Bella, my mother and I flew out to Columbus, OH on that Wednesday, St. Paddy's. Patrick met us out there the following night. It was all very difficult, but Bella was a wonderful distraction. My mom took off for Cincinnati for the weekend, leaving Pat, Bella and me with my dad, step-mom and half-brother. It was a weekend well spent. I didn't want to leave. I found out things from when I was a baby that make my heart ache for my dad. I made a post in another blog on this site. To read about "False Idols" click the link. I lost a lot of respect for my mother after learning these things. She wrong my father in ways people shouldn't be wronged.

Right now, Bella is home with me, looking through her movies. She wants to pick a movie for us to watch, but she's going down for a nap in about an hour. She's now using me as a jungle gym.


Okay, now she's cornered in her chair, eating some almonds.

So, I went to Navy Federal a week or so ago and asked if I pre-qualified for a home loan. After speaking with a rep for a little while, we realized that, worse case scenario, I qualify for a loan of $48,500. This is could us an okay home where we want to move, but not a really good one. There were three options for us to choose from and then Patrick found a fourth, and seemingly the best, option. We could get a manufactured home. Below are a few different links for the home we want to have built. The floorplan is awesome and all kitchen appliances are new and stainless steel (I think). The basic floorplan/package is $41K.
As you can see, with the pre-qualified amount at its lowest, we can afford this and not have to renovated ANYTHING.

That's the best update I think I've done in a long time. I will try and update more often.. I know, I say that every time. Can't say if I mean it or not, because I honestly don't know.


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