Busy day today
My school funds became available last week and I've been able to pick up a few more things for school as well as getting our rent covered (until my BAH starts). Over the weekend, I received three checks from the DoT in various amounts. The first one ($435.50) was for my books. My tuition is sent directly to the school. The other two checks, I think, were supposedly my BAH. This is supposed to be back-dated to January 18th, when class started. I checked the BAH amount for this zip code and it's just over $1,000. The sum of the other two checks equals the BAH, but it's not retroactive, like I thought it was going to be. I'm going to talk to the VA folks after class tomorrow. After my second class today, I went to the bank to deposit most of the money. I held onto about $300 so that I could get my car taken care of. It's a good thing I stopped by there today. Apparently, we were negative almost $80 (still not entirely sure...