Disturbing Dreams

I don't remember everything about the dreams that I had, but I remember images.  I remember being the center of a sexual assault.  I was in a room (not a small room, but I'm not sure what kind of room it was) and there were a few people in it with them.  I'm going about my business when, the next thing I know, some guy decides to try and stick his hand and fingers up in my business.  I jump away from him, telling him to back off.  He does it again.  I give him a tongue lashing (and I think I started whomping on his ass).  I left that dream feeling VERY violated.  There were other more disturbing parts of that dream, but I can't remember ANYTHING else from it.

School is going well.  Two of my classes are already up for a test.  I've been spending some time each day since that class studying.  I've been studying my math as well nearly every single day; I need to pass that class so that I can actually take a college level math next semester.

I'm still waiting on my Post 9/11 GI Bill.  I've been approved for it, but it won't show up until next month, probably.  It will be backdated and my tuition will be put on my student ID (which is also used as a debit card and money can be withdrawn from it).  More than anything, we're waiting on the BAH so that we can get our rent caught up on.

I quit DQ last week.  I was scheduled 11 hours for the entire week.  It wasn't worth it and I was sure that it wouldn't change for the following weeks.  The day I called in to quit, I had an interview with Walmart.  They sent me in for a drug test right after and I call them on Monday to find out the results (so not worried) and then orientation on Tuesday.  I hope the orientation is after my math class; I really don't want to miss two classes in a row.  I missed class on Thursday for the interview.  My math instructor completely understood why I had to miss class; I hope it doesn't count too badly toward my grade.

I'm hopeful this semester.  My GI Bill runs out in 16 months.  With the classes and coursework I already have, I'm thinking that I should be done just before or after it runs out.  If I want to continue my education and get a four-year degree in criminal justice, I'll have to transfer to another school and depend solely on financial aid through FAFSA.  I'm not looking forward to it, but if I want to continue, I have to.


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