Busy day today

My school funds became available last week and I've been able to pick up a few more things for school as well as getting our rent covered (until my BAH starts).  Over the weekend, I received three checks from the DoT in various amounts.  The first one ($435.50) was for my books.  My tuition is sent directly to the school.  The other two checks, I think, were supposedly my BAH.  This is supposed to be back-dated to January 18th, when class started.  I checked the BAH amount for this zip code and it's just over $1,000.  The sum of the other two checks equals the BAH, but it's not retroactive, like I thought it was going to be.  I'm going to talk to the VA folks after class tomorrow.

After my second class today, I went to the bank to deposit most of the money.  I held onto about $300 so that I could get my car taken care of.  It's a good thing I stopped by there today.  Apparently, we were negative almost $80 (still not entirely sure how THAT happened, considering we've barely touched that account) and wold have been negative nearly $500 tomorrow.  The cable company decided to charge our account a total of FOUR times, each amount the same ($52.67).  So, $210.56 is pending to our checking account.  I also did a wire transfer from our checking account here to our Navy Fed account; that was nearly the same amount as the cable company charges.  Add those to the nearly $80 that we were negative, and you have our pending negative amount.  I'm told that on the 27th it will all be fixed and fine; the additional charges of $52.64 will be credited to our account.  Once the balance is positive with the deposit I made this morning, I'm paying the electric, phone, and car insurance bills.

After my third, and last, class of the day, I drove around to find a place to do a vehicle inspection.  I finally found a dealership on the other side of I-30 to do one for me and it was a little over $15 for it.  When that was done, I headed over to the Annex to get my stickers and plates.  My car is now registered and legal to drive in the state of Texas.

I'm going to wait on the [Navy] veteran plates for when I trade in my 2003 Saturn L200 for a better car.  The types of vehicles I'm looking at resemble (in size) the Chevrolet Equinox, Mitsubishi Montero (I think that's the right one), Nissan Xterra, Honda CRV, etc.  Pretty much an SUV, but smaller than your typical SUV.  It gives me the space I may need for school supplies, Bella's car seat, moving (eventually) and it will also give me more clearance underneath the front bumper.

Tomorrow morning, I go to DPS to get my Texas driver's license.  I had Patrick help me pick out which top to wear.  Normally, I'd wear a blue but I wear that at work.  I may wear what he chose or a brown polo.  I'll compare the two with him tonight before bed.

Patrick is heading over to a small dealership next weekend.  I guess Derek went over there the other day to get to know the guy who runs the place.  Vehicles don't seem to cost more than about $10K and they want 10% down.  So, if Pat gets a vehicle at $10K and gives them $1,000, then he's good.  Monthly payments average out to be less than my car note was, AND when we can, we may be able to pay a little more than the monthly payments.  We were talking earlier (after I mentioned waiting on the veteran plates for an eventual new-to-me car) and decided that when he's paid off half of what he owes on his new-to-him vehicle, we'll take mine over there and trade it in.

Slowly things are becoming balanced.  It'll still be awhile, but it will happen.


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