Almost over?

There are about four weeks left of this semester.  I need to get registered for the Intersession classes (3 weeks), as well as both Summer semesters (5 weeks each).  I still need to talk to the VA about what I need to do for the Chapter 33 GI Bill and then financial aid about what happens with my Pell grant.

I'm looking at five classes between now and the end of the summer.  I won't be able to take the science class I want (Physics) because it isn't offered during the summer.  I don't like the other sciences.  I'm still going for a major in Criminal Justice.  I don't like the C grade that I received in my Marketing class, so I'm going to take Intro to Criminal Justice in the Fall.  I'm hoping to get my Physics class done as well as my College Math.

I'm crossing my fingers.


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