Things I'd like to change about myself

I'll try to at least list five things I'd like to change about myself or my life.

The first thing I'd like to change about my life is being a better saver and saving every penny I made.  If I was smart and I didn't constantly buy stupid shit (that I don't even HAVE anymore), I'd be better off.  We wouldn't be where we are financially.  We'd be better.

Myself?  I need to drop 10-15 pounds and get toned in my abdominal area.  I really wish my old RDC lived close-by; we used to go the gym together after we had our babies.  I miss going to the gym with her.  I always felt great and I was able to increase reps and weights in the two months that we were going.  I was feeling stronger and better about myself.

I'd like to read books that aren't just about the paranormal or romance books.  I tried one sci-fi book a few years ago and it was okay, but I haven't gone back to the genre.

I need to finish what I set out to do.  Today, for example, I started laundry; only two loads.  I have the basket sitting on the bed while I'm doing this blog as well as playing Forsaken World on my hubby's laptop and PC (my character is on his laptop and his character [or "toon" as they call them] is on his PC).

Definitely need to eat before doing any kind of shopping at Walmart, too.  I really need to work on that, too.


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