Tidal Wave of Emotions

I was doing just fine this morning.  It was business as usual.  I was releasing some photo orders this morning when, out of nowhere, a tidal wave of emotions hit me. 

I have no idea where it came from.  The sea was calm, nothing dusturbing it.  The next thing I know, I want to break down and cry.  I'm still kind of feeling that way as I type this.

Chester popped into my head.  He's been gone 6 weeks.  I've stopped crying as well as listening to the title track of One More Light.  It must be hitting me harder than I thought because I have no explanation for the high emotions from earlier this morning.

I need to get an LP tattoo.  I've always wanted one (since the late 90's when their first album dropped) and I think it will help with some closure.  I've never been affected to this degree when a celebrity passed away.  I thought I was okay, but I guess I'm not.

Six more hours of work to go.  I can put on that customer service smile and none will be the wiser of how I'm really feeling inside.

I miss you, Chester.


Gah, why is this still affecting me?


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