Ah, the life of schoolwork

I started school recently. It's all online, so I can work at my own pace. This is very cool in just about every aspect. Except for the days when I don't really feel like doing said school work. At first, I thought I could do one chapter a day from each of the two books and do the end of lesson tests on the weekends. This didn't work out. Instead, I'm taking a week per set of lessons and then taking the test on the weekend. So far it's working out much better than the last routine.

So, I'm working toward my Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration. I'm only doing this part time and, from what I can gather from my current school work schedule, it's the best thing I can do right now. I'm taking An Introduction to Marketing and Principles of Business Management. Last week, I did the Management lessons and took two tests; one was multiple choice and the other was ten essays. Actually, the first test I took I got an 80%, which is great for me. The two tests after the next set of lessons, I got a 70% (ouch) and then a 98%, which brought up the overall grade to a high C+. I can only hope to keep it at a B- (at least). The Marketing class... yeah, not nearly as fond of it. I think I have a high C+ in it. I have one more chapter to go before taking the next test. Hopefully, I'll get a good enough grade on it to raise my overall grade.

I should be getting a check in the mail for my GI Bill here in a couple of months (it takes something like 13-14 weeks for those things to come in) and I'll be giving all of it to the school I'm attending. I can pocket the remaining checks if I want to, but I think I want to try and keep up with school payments. Just in case, I'm going to just keep sending them the money.

I guess this is a silly post, but I felt the need to post something on here. It's been too long. Adn to think this thing used to be addicting. I guess I have other outlets now. I'm still going to try very very hard to keep this updated.


  1. Homework sucks, but in the end...it's ALL worth it when you see that degree :)


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