Concerning my "Mormon" post

I won't allow "Anonymous" comments anymore, as I would like to reply back to them. I haven't published it [yet] because it was posted as Anonymous. I'll post it here. If the anonymous poster finds it, please comment.

I wrote about my experience because I wanted people to know what it's like to be an outsider in an area such as Utah. I wanted people to know how difficult it is to raise non-Mormon kids in a predominantly Mormon area; how curious children are supposed to watch their tongues, what they say so they're not "banned" from their friend's house. I have gotten that information from various sources over the years.

I like that you are sharing your opinion, and I do... I like that you are sharing your opinion, and I do believe (because I have lived out of UT) that many mormons that live in Utah are different than those outside...but, they are not all that way...One thing, you only think you know what you are talking about. But, you don't. I don't understand why some people (not just mormons) don't allow themselves to be more open to other people whether its race, religion or whatever it is...Please don't allow yourself to pass judgement or spew info that you really don't know enough about. I think its great to have an opinion, but when you state what you have here, it causes others to unfairly judge for themselves...I was taught differently than the children you grew up with, and have taught my daughter differently, I hope you teach your children (if you ever have the chance) to not be prejudiced against mormons. There is good and bad in most any place...religion, and life in general.

I just want this person to know that I will teach my own daughter tolerance. I will teach her about prejudice. I will make sure she knows what it was like growing up for her mother and auntie. How it put us through a hell that children shouldn't go through; that of being shunned because they weren't part of the rest of the population.


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