Happy New Year!

Or something like that. Here is a year in review, for me. I may end up using previous journal postings to help me with this one.

January 2007 - I returned to work at PSD 32nd Street, from my 42 days of convalescent leave; I gave birth in November and was released from the hospital in perfect timing so as not to have to take any extra leave for the holiday season. Bella's birthday rocks for that reason. Short-timer's syndrome starts.

February 2007 - On the 6th of this month, Patrick and I have been together for three years. Celebrated Valentine's Day, I think. Bella's appointment was this month and she's right on track. I love her pediatrician's office. Short-timers is REALLY bad; have stopped caring about the Navy and PSD altogether. Went to TAP class (tranistional assistance program) for four days. Glad I'm an admin bitch, otherwise I wouldn't have known a lot of the information. Thanks to the one month extension I had received earlier, my EAOS, originally this month, is next month.

March 2007 - My last month (active duty) in the Navy. Big woots, here people. I appreciate the fact that I met my husband in the Navy and got to see other countries, but aside from that, I wasn't too fond of it. On the 25th of this month, my active duty contract was up and I entered into the inactive reserve. I'm in this status until May something 2010, exactly eight years after I signed my life away. Jobless until the end of the month.

April 2007 - This month, we celebrated Patrick's 30th birthday and our second wedding anniversary. We went to a movie (I forget the title) to celebrate. Bella's doing really well; not crawling or any teeth yet, but she's still doing really well. Oh, how I love that baby! AppleOne found me a weeklong temporary assignment, making $11/hour. Not the best, but not terrible. The week after, I was working another temporary assignment, making $12 or $13/hour. I was there for nearly two months.

May 2007 - This month sucked ass. Bella's appointment went well again; as before, she's right on track. Patrick left for a deployment (TAD to Peleliu) on my 26th birthday; oh how I cried! The following day, a photo of the three of us was up on Navy Newsstand. I cried again. The last week of May was my last week at my temporary assignment. They had interviewed me for two different positions, and I didn't get either of them; not even the front desk position I was filling! Bastards.

June 2007 - Jobless this month. Getting stir-crazy from being home constantly. Found out in December 2006 that my sister's pregnant; a year before her boyfriend of three years (I think) had proposed to her after a New Year's Eve party. She guesstimates she got pregnant about three hours after dropping me off from work the day she returned home from a three month "cruise"/deployment. Interviewed with Lockheed Martin and didn't get the job. Paid the sitter all of what I owed her; kind of hard to pay someone when you don't have a job to pay with as well as your spouse not making the amount they're supposed to be making. Interviewed with Babies R Us and got the job. Bella started crawling. Her two bottom teeth came in the weekend Patrick left.

July 2007 - Babies R Us working out all right; getting paid $7/hour for part time work (25-30 hours; a lot of the time, getting 33 hours). Deployment nearly half over and for this we are very happy! Started making videos of Bella for Patrick.

August 2007 - Bella starts saying "baby" clear as day. Working on trying to go to school, but not having enough for the down payment of $199. Witch.net Cali Trip was this month. Those who showed up [to SeaWorld; as we didn't have the money to drive up to Long Beach and back, plus go to DisneyLand] were: me, Baby Bella [Baby B as she's called sometimes], Abbye, "Ye Olde Man" aka Narn, Triana, Alyssa and Shen. We had a fun and absolutely wonderful time. Bella was a hit with them. I think she really liked Shen and Triana best. My sister had her son on the first day of this month; "I guess I can share this month with him," concerning her birthday.. it's on the 30th. Big boy, weighing in over nine pounds and nearly two feet long. NO C-SECTION, poor girl. Patrick is home soon. Realized how much I despise retail. Started planning Bella's first birthday.

September 2007 - Realized again how comfortable I am with my Pagan path. I feel rejuvenized when someone sees me and knows and smiles. Patrick came home this month and it was wonderful to have him home again! I miss him very much. School began for me in July and I've started cracking down on the two classes: Business Management and Marketing. Both are very dull classes. It took some time trying to figure out how to "schedule" them, but found a way. Last full month with Babies R Us.

October 2007 - Interviewed with ITS Corporation late September and got the job. It's a contracting company. Columbus Day was my last day working with Babies R Us, though I still shop there. I have no hard feelings. The day after Columbus Day was my first day as an ITS employee; I've been contracted out to Defense Acquisition University, bringing in nearly $1,000 every paycheck. This was a very nice pay jump. Started feeling very overly-sensitive about things this month. Also did a little organizing with blogger, making two separate blogs.

November 2007 - Classes are going well; averaging a C/C+ between the two of them; it's passing. My mother-in-law's boyfriend came into town (was here in September, right after Patrick got home) for about a week. Really nice guy. Too bad he's on the other side of the country in Pennsylvania. New sitter, lives close to where I work (less than a five minute drive from the parking lot). Nearly cried the first morning, as Bella wasn't used to the sitter or her son. The next morning, she was perfectly fine and went to playing almost immeidately. Pappy in the hospital for his kidneys. Big to-do on CafeMom about religion; Christians vs Pagans (at least, that's how it felt to me). Refer to "All Apologies" post. Depression came down again, but worked past it. Nope I Don't Need Meds For My Depression! Bella turned one year old this month. Hardly any people showed, got depressed and upset about it. Took finals for the two classes. Passed Marketing, have to retake Business Management.

December 2007 - Emails between my sister and me about when we grew up. It sucked hard for both of us. My great sitter tells me she can't watch Bella after January 1st. So, Abbye took over until I find another one and she finds another job. Christmas with Patrick's family mid-month; they remembered little Billy and Bella, but forgot Patrick's son, Jeffrey.. the OLDEST of the three of them. Christmas and birthday pictures of Bella. I also told people to grow a brain.

Did I miss anything?


  1. You definitely don't update your blog as often as I do, but you're a busy mommy!

    I was thinking the same thing about the set- eventually when I have the energy to do this again, if we have a girl I can use it twice.

    I picked out a mobile/crib soother that was only offered at WalMart (strangely enough). It has a detachable crib soother, projections on the ceiling and eventually turns into a self soother when the baby is too old for the mobile.

    I'm gonna have you go through my registries soon and see what you think about what I picked out so far :)

    Batik is an art form- you dye parts of a canvas made out of cloth and then put wax over the dye to keep it from fading into each other. You end up with tapestries. I learned it in high school :)


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