Bella, early stages of potty-training and her ever-growing vocabulary

So, I'm thinking she's definitely getting ready. She's starting to let me know when her diaper has a poopie in it and sometimes when she's peed.

Since we've started packing the house up, there's some extra space in the living room for her to play in. There are blankets and toys over there and it seems to be her favorite place in the house. When she knows she needs a new butt, she'll head over in the direction and lay down for me to change her butt. Sometimes, she'll carry the box of wipes or her diaper over there. When finished, we say, "all done!" and she gets up to go back to playing.

Sometimes, but not every time, she'll wake up dry from her nap. Many times this is due to me changing her right before her nap. I would love to start potty-training her now, but I can't. We leave for Denver in just over 12 days. It would confuse her too much.

In other news, she can say the following:
1. daddy
2. dada
3. mama
4. mommy
5. nana
6. broder (brother)
7. Jeffy
8. pasta
9. pizza
10. blankie
11. bottle
12. baby
13. hot
14. cold
15. boobies
16. butt
17. bum
18. nose
19. eyes
20. brow
21. nigh-nigh
22. bach (bath)
23. hi
24. bye
25. angel
26. toys
27. cookie (which is an unsalted saltine cracker)
28. ready
29. go
30. outside
31. yeah
32. rainbow
33. pretty
34. happy
35. ugly
36. eww
37. owie
38. pee
39. peas
40. cheese
41. juice
42. shoes
43. milk
44. water
45. doggy
46. mine
47. no
48. uh-huh
49. again
50. uhm (up)
51. all done
52. a bite
53. whee
54. eat
55. shit (she rarely says this but she does say it; she will learn when it's okay and not okay to say it)
56. bitch (read the above parentheses)
57. Bella
58. Belladonna
59. uh-oh
60. safe
61. ta-da
62. one
63. two
64. three
65. leaf
66. laces
67. watch
68. zoom
69. hello
70. phone
71. Chris
72. purse
73 doody
(I'll come back and add to this later as I think of words she's said or as she says new words.)

I didn't realize just how many words she could say until now!! Too cool. Though I've heard of toddlers her age who have twice that vocabulary. I know that all children are different, but I'm also hearing that children her age should have upwards of 100 words in their vocabulary. I attribute her language and vocabulary to the fact that we don't use "baby talk" around her. We feel that it hinders language skills and vocabulary use.

Am I making a mountain out of a mole-hill?


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