Job Searching and oher stresses

Now that we're here, I've been searching for work online. I'm going through Monster, Career Builder and HotJobs. I'm even going back to the temp agency I used after I got out of the Navy. I have an appointment set up for September 2. I need work appropriate pants for it and I had to toss the two pair I had. The cuffs were so worn and ragged, no one will want to look at me. My profile for AppleOne is completed. If I get the pants I need prior to the appointment, I will see about rescheduling for an earlier date.

I'm afraid now that I won't be able to complete my classes and am tempted to just drop out. I hav way too much going on right now and I'm stressing too much to worry about school. I may have to re-enroll later. I'll pay them back what I still owe them. I honestly don't think I'll be able to complete my math unless I have someone on the phone to help me while I'm doing the chapter tests.

I have way too much on my plate right now. The stress of staying with my parents is high. We feel as though we're a burden and not welcome. At least, this is what we get from my dad. My mom wants to help, but my dad is being an asshole about it. He rolls his eyes when Bella makes noises and squeals!! I'm sorry but that's what toddlers do when they're happy. He rolls his eyes when she cries. I can't wait to get the hell out of this house [again].


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