It's been a couple of weeks

The last few times I posted, it was about Silverchair songs and an ex-boyfriend.  Here's what's happened in the last two weeks.

As I try some nights to get to bed at a decent time (read:  before 2 am), I tend to get attacked by my husband.  This is good and dandy, but when I say, "I'm going to lay down to try and get some sleep," one would think, Okay, she doesn't want any nookie tonight.  What I don't like is when I'm obviously trying to get to sleep (without saying the aforementioned statement) is when he tries to play with me.  Seriously?  I'm trying to get to sleep!  I know sex and somewhat loud tv help him sleep; both of them have the opposite effect on me.  It keeps me up.  What sucks more is that I'm the one who gets up with Bella most mornings (of the two of us).  Me.  Sometimes when I come out to the living room with her, I turn on her 'toons, make sure she has cereal or oatmeal on the table, and then get comfortable on the couch.  Every now and again, I'd turn on the laptop and check my email and whatnot.

I'd turn on the laptop to check my email, but also to work on my story.  It's something I've been slowly working on and recently I've been rehashing it to make it better.  I need to finish it.  During this rehash, some of my friends have come out to say that they're also working on some literary works.  I offered my story up for editing and criticism and if anyone wanted me to read anything, they could email me.  I've since set up a blog for us to bounce ideas off of each other.  It's easier to post a story you're working on or editing than it is to email.  Email may take up more bandwith than posting a blog.
Pat's job is going well.  He's getting more hours, going in on days he's not scheduled.  He put in for a promotion, only to find out a few others have become interested.  We're hoping he gets it.  It's more pay and at least 40 hours a week.

I may have a temp job starting Friday; Hiring Partners will let me know tomorrow.  The job starts at $9/hour from 8-5ish.  It's at a candy facility.  It started in Forth Worth and moved to Mt. Pleasant in 2008.  Ever since, Mt. Pleasant has been boasting to be the sweetest town in Texas.  Cool beans.  I'm told this job could become permanent.  Their busy season is from September to March, so, ideally, this job could last about six months.  That would be awesome.  Even if it's $9/hour, it's 40 hours a week.  I'll be getting just a little more on my paycheck than I was when I worked at Walgreens.

I've been coming to grips with my anxieties.  It's not fun, but I know it's needed.  Eventually, my anxieties will be at a tolerable level.  Right now, they are FAR from it.  I'll have to post what I said to my friends about my anxieties.  My anxieties should be in their own post.

The last few days, the two maintenance guys have been here fixing stuff.  All day yesterday, they were here to fix the front door.  Today, they installed a pre-hung door and it fits great.  A couple of small things need to be done to complete it, but it looks much better.  The AC is slowly getting there.  The electrician needs to come back to fix the outlets.  The shower in Mom's bathroom is better as well as a hole in a wall in her room.  There was a rodent creature, or something, trying to get in; yesterday it was boarded up with a one-piece shower back splash.  There's still a crack in one of the large mirrors in our bathroom that needs to be taken care of.  I think we're just going to put some clear packing tape over it; I'd really like to save the mirror if we can.  The wooden boarding below it will hopefully be replaced.

That's it, as far as I can tell for the last two weeks.


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