To the Fair!

Last night after getting home from work, I found out we were going to opening night of the county fair.  We're still flat broke, but, our friends, Derek and Jessica, had extra tickets and invited us to go along.  We had a pretty good time.  My crowd anxiety was in check, for the most part.

Derek got some tokens for the rides (Bella kept asking to go on the ferris wheel and carousel), but after we got onto the carousel, she changed her mind, under the impression that it would go "too fast" for her.  It was one of the slowest rides.  She's had no problem in the past riding "fast" rides.  In fact, we've had to practically fight her to get off of the rides.

We walked around a lot.  They bought lemonades in big plastic cups with lids and straws.  Jessica said that every time she comes to the fair, she HAS to get one of the lemonades.  For $5 a piece, I hope it's good!  They bought us one each (Bella shared with us) and I found out this morning one reason why it tasted so yummy; they put half of a lemon inside.  Delicious.  I filled it this morning with water for after my coffee.

Derek wanted to get some funnel cake.  He can't go to one of those things and not get funnel cake.  He was kind enough to get us a plate of it, too.  I had some for breakfast this morning.  It was nummy-yummy.

I stopped off at the child development center here for a registration application PACKET (they didn't mentionit was a packet; damn near 30 pages!) for Bella for the current school year.  There's a waiting list, but that's okay; so long as she's enrolled.  I'm going through it now (and throughout the day) trying to get it filled out and make note of where things need to be dated (not dating it until I'm ready to turn it in).

This Friday is my first payday.  I'm excited.  We're doing dinner at IHOP with Derek and Jessica on Saturday.  This means, we may do grocery shopping on Friday (hoping to get some Brookshires playing pieces that we don't have yet).  I'm also going to see how much a carton of cigarettes will be at the local tobacco store as well as the cheapest gas station.  If I have to buy the tobacco and tubes to roll my own, that's fine.  I may go back to full flavor for that.  I don't know.  All I know is that I'm not ready to quit yet.

Today is so far so good.  It's just started, so we'll see.


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