
Showing posts from November, 2010


This is the only thing my daughter is asking for.  I figure since that's the case, I don't mind getting them for her, as we can afford them.  They're super cute and really neat.  The adults thought they were pretty cool.. at least, the women did.  The boys were like, "Eh, they're toys."  The pictures below are the two that Bella received for her birthday. They're so cute!!!

Happy Birthday, My Bella!

Four years ago today, this very moment, I was very pregnant.  I was eight days overdue and waiting for my daughter to arrive.  My mother had arrived just a couple of hours from right now four years ago, rubbed my belly and said, "Bella, it's time to come out and play!"  Several hours after that, my water broke and I waited for the contractions.  This was also me freaking out about what to do.  I was dumbfounded for about half an hour. Me at 9 months We rushed to the hospital, with Dee keeping track of my contractions.  During the car ride, I was sending mass text messages to nearly everyone in my phone book telling them my water broke and that I was in labor.  I received a few back asking who was messaging them, but the rest were wishing me luck. We arrived at the hospital and my pants were soaked in amniotic fluid.  I was contracting fast and in pain.  We rushed up the the labor and delivery floor.  I peed on a st...

She's already gone

And with that, my mother is gone.  I think it's stupid; she promised to be here for a week. Her husband is sick and all alone.  Okay, why can't he be an ADULT and take care of himself?  I wonder if anyone else finds that it's mighty curious that he just happened to get sick the week she chose to come and visit ME.  I find it really curious.  Thank you, Asshole, once again for ruining a perfectly good visit. On top of that, she claimed to be "miserable."  It's too humid, she's always hot.  What?  It's the middle of November and it's been CHILLY since she got here!  We keep it warm in the house because Dee runs really cold. Personally, I think she just wanted to get the hell out of the trailer we live in; I think she can't stand the fact that we're in a trailer and not an apartment or house.  I'm also pretty sure that she associates it with trailer trash types. Fine; we don't need or want you down here.  Come back and visit af...

Unemployed again

Today, I'm heading over to Texas Work Force to apply for a few city jobs.  I really hope it works out. My mom is here visiting for a week; she arrived yesterday, late morning.  I think we're going to head out to Walmart this afternoon and pick up curtains for our bedroom and Bella's bedroom.  We're using shawls and afghans from Ireland as curtains. I've also returned from the Texas Work Force center to apply for some jobs.  A couple of them sound very promising; it's just a matter of them getting back to me in a timely manner.  We have bills coming up within the next week that REQUIRE my paycheck.  I hope something comes up soon.

Blogs that I follow

My buddy, Mike, has a blog on livejournal that I follow:   Creative Critically This is an interesting and very informative blog:   One Witch's Wonderland One of my most awesome friends; and I've only actually met her once:   That's what she said

I know who my Secret Ninja is!

Just kidding.  I don't.  I do have some guesses, though.  There isn't any specific reason why I'm guessing the following for my Secret Ninja; I'm just throwing it out there. -Jo -Keri -Lori -Ann -Stacy -Katie That's all I've got for now.

Ninja Pregnancy Triad

Last night, I had an odd dream.  For whatever reason, I was dreaming of the characters from "Breaking Dawn."  No idea why; I haven't read the book in forever.  But, the main female character was pregnant.  That female character evolved into me. I dreamed about making a Secret Ninja post in here about "Guess Who Completed the Pregnant Ninja Triad?" post. I remember we were really scared about something and had an amnio (thank god dreams can null any pain) and we found out we were having a boy; we were going to have our Jareth Constantine (another mouthful, I know). While we're basking in this news, I see a cut-scene (like out of a television show or movie) to Wil Wheaton playing a bad guy (he does it so well!).  Sort of.  He plays a teacher IM'ing on Facebook with one of his struggling students (male; kid's mom is right there monitoring) and the student get really frustrated with something and, when Mom isn't looking, types his cell phone number ...


Today is spent looking out the window to a gloomy, overcast day.    Temps are relatively cool.    Today is also spent making copies of six month's worth of weekly time sheets for only five personnel.    I started this yesterday afternoon, picking up on it this morning.    I'm on the first week of June.    I have a long day and it almost noon.    I think they're covertly trying to mentally log how much time is spent online.    Technically, it's all day due to my Pandora radio.    This current post was typed in Word before posting to the group.    I'm hoping to have July started by the time I leave today. I got a call from Mollye (yep, that's how it's spelled) from Century 21 yesterday evening (just before leaving work).    Patrick and I spoke with her when we were down here in May getting a feel for the place.    She told us that when we were ready to start looking for a house, t...

My Anxiety - I made a HUGE step this weekend

Y'all should be damn proud of me.. damnit. Our friend, Jessica, swung by the house (ha! not a house) to pick up myself and Bella to go to her Mexican Uncle's place.  (They're pretty much adopted family and everyone in the family seems to refer to them by the moniker.)  We stopped off at Walmart so I could get new shoes for Bella (we spent ten minutes searching her tiny-ass room for her other Tinkerbell shoe to no avail) and some socks that fit.  From there, we were driving for about 20 minutes to get to her family's place. We get there and people are just showing up.  Some others had already shown up and things were going well.  Jessica's husband, Derek (Pat's best friend), was already there.  Both Jessica and Derek kept telling me that Bella is already considered family by proxy (did I use that right?) and that even if I can't see her, someone does and will keep an eye on her.  I was VERY leery about this, even though they're all technically family. ...