Four years ago today, this very moment, I was very pregnant. I was eight days overdue and waiting for my daughter to arrive. My mother had arrived just a couple of hours from right now four years ago, rubbed my belly and said, "Bella, it's time to come out and play!" Several hours after that, my water broke and I waited for the contractions. This was also me freaking out about what to do. I was dumbfounded for about half an hour. Me at 9 months We rushed to the hospital, with Dee keeping track of my contractions. During the car ride, I was sending mass text messages to nearly everyone in my phone book telling them my water broke and that I was in labor. I received a few back asking who was messaging them, but the rest were wishing me luck. We arrived at the hospital and my pants were soaked in amniotic fluid. I was contracting fast and in pain. We rushed up the the labor and delivery floor. I peed on a st...