She's already gone

And with that, my mother is gone.  I think it's stupid; she promised to be here for a week.

Her husband is sick and all alone.  Okay, why can't he be an ADULT and take care of himself?  I wonder if anyone else finds that it's mighty curious that he just happened to get sick the week she chose to come and visit ME.  I find it really curious.  Thank you, Asshole, once again for ruining a perfectly good visit.

On top of that, she claimed to be "miserable."  It's too humid, she's always hot.  What?  It's the middle of November and it's been CHILLY since she got here!  We keep it warm in the house because Dee runs really cold.

Personally, I think she just wanted to get the hell out of the trailer we live in; I think she can't stand the fact that we're in a trailer and not an apartment or house.  I'm also pretty sure that she associates it with trailer trash types.

Fine; we don't need or want you down here.  Come back and visit after your husband dies.  At least then, you won't have to worry about him getting sick the MOMENT you leave to visit YOUR kid and grandkid.

He can suck a big fat cock and choke on it.


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