Ninja Pregnancy Triad

Last night, I had an odd dream.  For whatever reason, I was dreaming of the characters from "Breaking Dawn."  No idea why; I haven't read the book in forever.  But, the main female character was pregnant.  That female character evolved into me.
I dreamed about making a Secret Ninja post in here about "Guess Who Completed the Pregnant Ninja Triad?" post.
I remember we were really scared about something and had an amnio (thank god dreams can null any pain) and we found out we were having a boy; we were going to have our Jareth Constantine (another mouthful, I know).
While we're basking in this news, I see a cut-scene (like out of a television show or movie) to Wil Wheaton playing a bad guy (he does it so well!).  Sort of.  He plays a teacher IM'ing on Facebook with one of his struggling students (male; kid's mom is right there monitoring) and the student get really frustrated with something and, when Mom isn't looking, types his cell phone number into the chat box with a request to call/text, and closes the window.  Mom asks what happened and he says that the teacher had to go.
Another cut-scene.  The teacher (Wil Wheaton) and the kid meet up.  It looks harmless, but we all know how this particular story ends.
I'm still not sure about the Ninja Pregnancy Triad.


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