Happy Birthday, My Bella!
Four years ago today, this very moment, I was very pregnant. I was eight days overdue and waiting for my daughter to arrive. My mother had arrived just a couple of hours from right now four years ago, rubbed my belly and said, "Bella, it's time to come out and play!" Several hours after that, my water broke and I waited for the contractions. This was also me freaking out about what to do. I was dumbfounded for about half an hour.
Me at 9 months

We rushed to the hospital, with Dee keeping track of my contractions. During the car ride, I was sending mass text messages to nearly everyone in my phone book telling them my water broke and that I was in labor. I received a few back asking who was messaging them, but the rest were wishing me luck.
We arrived at the hospital and my pants were soaked in amniotic fluid. I was contracting fast and in pain. We rushed up the the labor and delivery floor. I peed on a stick for them to make sure that it was, in fact, amniotic fluid and then I was examined. I have no idea how far dilated I was or how effaced I was. All I knew was that I was in pain with the contractions. After a few different doctors examining me, they came to the conclusion that she was breech.
Not long after receiving that news, I was being prepared for surgery. I didn't want them to turn her and chance getting the umbilical cord stuck and I didn't want them to try and deliver her vaginally with her being breech. I told them I wanted a Cesarean section.
The next block of time is a blur for me. I remember that I was in a gurney, being asked questions about my medical history, both moms answering for me. I was given medication to alleviate the pain and my lower abdomen was numbed. I kept thinking I had to poop, but that was more like my body telling me to push. Everyone around me told me not to push. But, I wanted to push!! The sensation was overwhelming!
I was wheeled into the OR and Patrick was there with me, holding my hand, kissing my face. I could feel tugging, but I felt no pain. They'd given me a saddle-block, which numbed everything from the ribcage down. They pulled my darling daughter from my uterus and held her to me. I did what any other mother did; I sobbed and gave her a kiss. I wasn't able to hold her until later. Now that she had been delivered, we both needed to be cleaned up.
Belladonna Satine was delivered at 2113 on November 18, 2006 at Naval Medical Center in San Diego, California. She was 7 pounds 6.5 ounces and was 18 inches long. At the age of 4, she's 35 pounds and 40 inches tall. She's a tall and thin 4-year-old. At this age, it's hard to find pants that fit her. She's long in the leg and small in the waist. We either need to use belts or settle with capri pants.
Newborn Bella

Bella 1 Year

Bella 2 Years

Bella 3 Years

Bella 4 Years
To be added later. =)
Me at 9 months

We rushed to the hospital, with Dee keeping track of my contractions. During the car ride, I was sending mass text messages to nearly everyone in my phone book telling them my water broke and that I was in labor. I received a few back asking who was messaging them, but the rest were wishing me luck.
We arrived at the hospital and my pants were soaked in amniotic fluid. I was contracting fast and in pain. We rushed up the the labor and delivery floor. I peed on a stick for them to make sure that it was, in fact, amniotic fluid and then I was examined. I have no idea how far dilated I was or how effaced I was. All I knew was that I was in pain with the contractions. After a few different doctors examining me, they came to the conclusion that she was breech.
Not long after receiving that news, I was being prepared for surgery. I didn't want them to turn her and chance getting the umbilical cord stuck and I didn't want them to try and deliver her vaginally with her being breech. I told them I wanted a Cesarean section.
The next block of time is a blur for me. I remember that I was in a gurney, being asked questions about my medical history, both moms answering for me. I was given medication to alleviate the pain and my lower abdomen was numbed. I kept thinking I had to poop, but that was more like my body telling me to push. Everyone around me told me not to push. But, I wanted to push!! The sensation was overwhelming!
I was wheeled into the OR and Patrick was there with me, holding my hand, kissing my face. I could feel tugging, but I felt no pain. They'd given me a saddle-block, which numbed everything from the ribcage down. They pulled my darling daughter from my uterus and held her to me. I did what any other mother did; I sobbed and gave her a kiss. I wasn't able to hold her until later. Now that she had been delivered, we both needed to be cleaned up.
Belladonna Satine was delivered at 2113 on November 18, 2006 at Naval Medical Center in San Diego, California. She was 7 pounds 6.5 ounces and was 18 inches long. At the age of 4, she's 35 pounds and 40 inches tall. She's a tall and thin 4-year-old. At this age, it's hard to find pants that fit her. She's long in the leg and small in the waist. We either need to use belts or settle with capri pants.
Newborn Bella

Bella 1 Year

Bella 2 Years

Bella 3 Years

Bella 4 Years
To be added later. =)
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