This is all from a conversation I've had with someone I mentioned in this blog awhile ago. It seems surreal to me that we can talk so freely about the stuff we couldn't talk about ten years ago. Then again, I was letting the conversation happen, so what does that say about me? Why am I taking these deep breaths? Why is my heart beating faster?
I'm going to blame the coffee and an empty stomach. Or maybe the too tight jeans that I shouldn't have worn. That makes much more sense and I like that explanation much better. There's nothing deep seeded here. Nothing. Why is it that he's always the one to message me first? I still don't know how to interpret that.
I should have started copying/pasting much earlier in the conversation. The first part sounds bad. We were talking about a time about 11 years ago when I'd hopped a Greyhound to see him in college for a week.
I'm wondering if he was patronizing me (or just being drunk) toward the end of this conversation. He went offline without so much as a "Bye Kiddo" or "See ya" which is kinda customary for him. This is also the same guy who calls me Bram. No one else calls me Bram. I don't recall if I told Patrick about the pet/nickname.
Looks like he's not coming back online. I just wish I could have captured the entire conversation.

That was a fun night, if I remember correctly.
Now you know what it was.
Wow, those were times.

If you were here you could talk to my neighbor buddies that have seen me at my worst.

I bet I could rival it with the drinking I did in Dubai.

I fell asleep in my neighbor's rocks.

I beat out a Marine at his own game.

AWESOME! Pictures?
He was a big guy, too.
They didn't call him Ox for nothing.

No. At Halloween they shot me with a paint ball marker in the ass. The Junior high kids still have pictures floating around.
Ox in the cock?

That's fantastic, Ryan.
Uh, no.
Never slept with him.

Of couse.
though, there were exploits to be had on that ship.

Billy (my neighbor who's rock's I slept with) has seen the 'best' of me.

I do wish I joined the Navy at times.
No - not bare ass.
Bare junk

It was a good experience -- The Navy.
So your neighbor and I have seen the same thing.

Some may think so.
My neighbors are awesome. It's like being in a college town without the college.

I bet Tina got a kick out of it.

She gave me some shit.
Nothing weirder when you're being chewed out by your wife, sister-in-law, and daughter(pseudo) at the same time.

just like any good wife would.
brb again please

They've actually got me looking for something but I can't find it.
Would you be able to do a favor for me [after Tina gets the Essure]?

Would you be so kind as to keep me informed on how it goes? Pain, discomfort, any side effects, etc.?
Thank you.

I know it will be an hour procedure door - door; and the pain should be med - to - med.

We hate the rubbers and I hate having to remember a pill; it seems the best option. the hormonal BS can go away too. Gimme my libido back, pill.

But I will let you know. Her procedure is the 14th

Then again, I also blame two deployments, but it's getting better.

I just had to laugh at myself.

I looked at our OCT calendar - it's BUSY!

Yeah - birthday's (we're a week apart.)

I know when yours is -- hard to forget.
Hers is the same month?

and annivesearies. Tina's mom had surgery a few days ago.

Cool beans.
Pat's is also Hitler's birthday, poor guy. But there's not a single stoner who will forget it.

She's good. Tina's mom is Tina's spiritual guidance.

I feel that Pat and I would have a good time together with some beers.

If he wasn't allergic to alcohol, sure.

How much did you have removed BTW?
Poor guy.

He's kinda weird about meeting my past relationships.
What removed?
My reduction?

I went from a 38DD to a 38 C.

- shit the alcohol is talking

No worries.
Looking at me now, you'd never know; they're still big.

once - in a - while
They don't card me at the grocery store.

Still got time if: I quite while I'm ahead

I kinda doubt that'll happen.

They're awesome there. I can walk in, slip my card, and go and no worries.

Heh -- I have pictures on my photobucket of how big they used to be and what they are now.
Among many other photos, too.
I uploaded (via my CrackBerry) photos of a farm house we were looking at back in May.
They wanted too much for it; it needed a lot of clean up work.

Yeah - I am a bit of expert of restoring distraught and bad homes (construction wise).
Bella - she's a perfect merge of both of you two - she's so pretty.

Originally, we were hoping to get an awesome house that needed a little bit of remodeling. We were going to use my TSP for that. But didn't happen.
Thank you, Ryan.


If you come across a picture of her hair in many colors.. Patrick did that updo for her school.
Mostly, I see my eyes, nose and complexion with her.

Tina (who never colored her hair) never want Ayla's hair colored\

My mother-in-law brought out a picture of Pat when he was her age -- almost a spittin' image.
If she wants it colored when she's older though..
she's going to find a way

I see a perfect split between the two of you. Yeah - Our girls are a perfect image of Tina and I.

They're cuteness.
You've got a girly girl and a tom boy? Did I read that part of the conversation right?

Thanks. Although I'm a dick about them both - I love them very much. Yeah

When haven't you been? You've got to admit.. you're pretty good at being a dick sometimes. I'm sure that's one of the reason Tina loves you as much as she does.

They both share very equal parts of Tina and I.
Yep! Can't argue with you there.

One of the few things I've been right about, lol.

Ayla is brilliant though...almost where it is scary. And Lyra is very athletic.

Day 1 - she didn't cry at birth - just watched.
Freaked us out.
But we knew

Really? I bet it did!
I honestly don't know if Bella cried or not. I was very stoned on pain killers at that point.
Shit, I couldn't feel anything from my ribcage down.

She can say word like prestidigitation and conscience in a sentence.

Same with Tina - Her mom and I talk about it some times. Tina's mom knows.

When we got back from our first trip down here, my car broke down (I think I told you about that). Bella was telling everyone that "Mommy's transmission broke."

I remember when she was born - she just starred at us and the room - at the moment you can tell she was calculating everything.

People thought that for a three-year-old, that was a pretty big word for her.
I kinda doubt it though.

Exactly!? Damn kids are scarry.

That's an incredible experience to have though.
Her vocabulary is, apparently, quite large for a girl her age.
At her last appointment, she was speaking to the PA in perfect sentences. She wasn't 3 yet.
She just doesn't focus well when we're trying to teach her something. She'll get it, move on to another section or two, and then forget the first thing she learned.

Yeah - Ayla's Pediatrician said she was an unusual case concerning her development.

Kinda makes you feel a super parent, huh?

No - makes me feel under - prepared.

You'll be fine.
You're doing just fine.
But just because she's gifted doesn't mean you can't bust her butt when she gets in trouble, lol.

Take this how you want - imagine - if you will if we had kids - what kind of nose they'd have.

They'd have a cute nose.
And that was something I thought about shortly after that last part of our relationship.

Yeah; I was very much involved in multiple directions of my mental capacity.

I know.
That was probably the hardest time of my entire life.

And here we are.
Finally grown ass adults.

Yeah - here we are. I think grown ass adults comes around at our late 30s early 40s

So where does that leave us? We're not even 30 yet.

Did you know (according to my 'coming-out-friends') that's it's coming out day?

Profile search activity for you: look up Arin Lopez on my profile then look up Geoffrey - That's hotness.

potty? lol
Found your friend Arin Lopez. Who's the Geoffrey you speak of?

Crap. I've really gotta pee and I'm on the phone AT&T trying to figure out WTF with my home phone.
Way too much water, maybe.

They're okay.
Ive got hotter.

A lot of mine, though, are part of the geek love that I have. The first one is Brad New.

yeah. Nearly every guy I've dated has had a geek side to them.
Check out Brian Catt. He definitely had the geek thing that I loved. He's a selfish ass, though.

The only one who didn't is the only one I haven't found on FB.
We met when I was working at a local video store in Littleton. He asked my boss if he could ask an employee for her number.
My boss really wanted me to find a boyfriend, so she said sure.

There's Dan Trierwiler. He's from "A" school and part of my drinking buddies.

Israel "Izzy" Del Rio.
One of my awesome Marine friends from the ship.

4:28pmYeah. He got engaged to his girlfriend before Pat and I got engaged. He has a little girl now, I think. He was an awesome Marine.
I see what you are saying It does seem like there is some interest there on his part. I guess I will echo Erica's thought, what do you feel?
ReplyDeleteI don't know, Keri. I'm madly in love with my husband, but the emotions I end up feeling when I talk to my first are confusing to me. Could they just be residual from what happened between us over ten years ago?
ReplyDeleteIt's the forbidden fruit. Also, when specific feelings go dormant, they come back with a vengeance when they're stirred up. Patrick is wonderful but familiar. This guy is like a stranger and yet, not.
ReplyDeleteTread lightly, sweetie. These things get out of hand fast.
(Jen) Tam - Be careful. You are my friend and I love you, but I am on Patrick's side right now. Gary is doing this to me and it is really hurting me. It breaks my heart when I wake up 2 in the morning and he's on the computer typing away to this college friend/girl.