Wow, Useless

So, in the last few work days, I haven't touched any kind of time sheet or payroll.  I'm beginning to wonder why.  At first, I was told it was because there were too many batches in the system [used for entering payroll].  I checked it when I came in this morning, hoping to input some of last weeks time sheets, but nothing. All I've done is look up what needs to be done to renew business contracts with other states as well as find and figure out or create usernames and passwords for states listed on an Excel spreadsheet.  This is not making me feel useful.. at all.  I'm just trying to figure out what is really going on in their heads.

I applied for a GS4 position in Texarkana.  It's pretty much what the GS7 position was only 3 pay grades below.  The earnings for the GS4 per hour are higher than what I'm doing now and I'd be back in the government element (which is something I kind of miss).  Sometimes, but not often, I wonder about going back in the Navy, but if I did that now, I'd have lost the E4 I worked so hard to get.  So, maybe not.

Trying to figure out what (if anything) to do for Bella's 4th birthday next month.  The more I think about it, the more I realize that going all out for a birthday she won't remember in ten years, it's a dumb idea.  It will be best if something is done at home, with the six other people we know here in Mt. Pleasant, Texas.  I've invited other Texas friends to come along, too, but I don't know if they'll make that drive just for a birthday party for a preschooler.  Couldn't hurt to ask, right?


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