The weekend is quickly upon us

So, yesterday on my way home from work, I was pulled over by a state trooper.  Apparently, I was speeding.  My speedometer read 70 (which is the speed limit); apparently my speedometer is off by nearly five miles (so when I think I'm going 70, it's closer to 75).  I received a warning and was told to get my car registered for Texas as well as get a Texas driver license.  I think I can get this done next week.

Yesterday, we were given a bonus of $100.  I spent a portion of mine on a Dew fridgemate (splurge), milk, and Food Club ice cream (splurge).  I'd also ordered 3 pizzas and cheeses ticks from Pizza Hut (another splurge).  I still have almost $50 left; I put it in our special/emergencies hiding place.  I won't say where that place is, but let's just say the money will smell wonderful when/if we need it.

I'm wondering if my co-workers think me dense.  Seriously.  I'm supposed to be entering time sheets all week (as they come in) as well as compare them to other sheets.  I've barely touched them this week; instead the other two girls are doing it and I'm stuck just doing state registration, sales tax online payment, renewing state contractor licenses.  I thought I was hired on as a payroll clerk as well as admin support.

Whatever though.  Today is Friday.  Today is another day where lunch is courtesy of the company.  Lunch is from Laura's Cheesecake and Bakery and they have a killer bacon club wrap with chipotle sauce.  Oh.  My.  Gods.  Yummy.

Turkey Club Wrap


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