Still popular, I see

I'm following blogs from all over the place.  They range from friends I had during an awesome time in my life to people I knew in high school to authors.  From time to time, I go through and read all of their updates and sometimes comment on their recent entries.  I stumbled upon a blog maintained by a popular guy I knew of in high school and his wife.  It's no surprise that 10 years later, he's still doing well and is popular (for a married guy with a baby in his late 20's).  It proves to me that some people never change.  It seems that those types of people are few and far between lately.

I can't quite put my finger on it, but at once of these class reunions one year, I'd love for the popular people from years gone to actually talk to me.  I'd love to be someone there who looks stunning, like I've really changed a lot (for the better, of course) over the last 10+ years.  I want to be healthy and thin.  I want to be successful and full of confidence.  I want to be comfortable in my own skin.  I don't want to be the quiet, keep-to-herself person.  I don't want to be the life of the party, either.  My faith will still set me apart from these people, only now, I don't believe in God at all.

I do, however, have a wonderful and beautiful family.  I love my husband and daughter dearly.  I have amazing friends all over the world, something I didn't have then.

I honestly don't know how many people from high school remember me.  I don't know what to think of that but I know that it bothers me.


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