I wonder if we're going to afford it this year

Haven't started wrapping the gifts from my mom (she sent us goodies from Harry & David that just arrived today), nor is our tree up.  We haven't gotten anything for each other this year because, well, we can't afford it.  I wanted to make sure my Secret Ninja was able to get something special and I have that ready. 
I know that I can spend probably all of $15 on Bella and she'd love it.  The single pack of Zoobles are on sale at Walmart for $5/piece.  She has four of the things now and our "family" here have already gotten her some.  I don't remember which numbers they got for her, but I do remember that they didn't get the same numbers.
Even thogh we're on our own again, this feels like the worst holiday ever.  We can't even get gifts for ourselves this year.  Our friends have told us not to get them anything.  I appreciate that they understand that we can't, but it's also a blow to my/our pride.
I didn't even THINK of doing stocking stuffers!  Add that to the we-really-can't-afford-it list. 
For my bonus son this year, I'm sending him three gift cards for Target with $25 on them.  I'm getting these for being a moderator in the Smarter Living group until January and I figure it's better than nothing.  Apparently, ex-wife needs money, too.  Well, I'm sorry, but we kind of need it just as much.  We need groceries to last for two weeks, a phone that works so that the two of them can talk to each other regularly, internet so they can email and play games online together.  As much as I want for my bonus son to have an awesome Christmas, we just can't afford a whole helluva lot.  If the BOTH of us had jobs, it'd be NO PROBLEM.  But I have no job and therefore, there's a problem.
I don't know how we're going to do it.  As it is, the majority of our bills are due during this part of the month, plus the other half of the rent that we don't have.She doesn't really care if the things she receives are used; when she's grown out of stuff or no longer needs it, we put it in a big box to give to the local women and children center.  I have two huge boxes full.  I wonder if we shouldn't wrap the stuff in those boxes and drop them off at the shelter between Solstice and Christmas.  All we'd need is wrapping paper.


  1. I know how you feel, we've had holidays like that too, but I think that most people understand, and B is still young enough that its not a huge deal.
    When you donate goods to shelters and such, they prefer it unwrapped so they can know the ages to give them to.
    I hope that things go better for you soon. *big hugs*


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