
I really should have updated more last month.  I think I've let down the few people actually subscribed to my blog, though I'm not sure how many actually read it.

Patrick starts his new job on Monday.  We're excited.  Yesterday was his last day at Staples.

I'm still looking for work, expanding my search area to everywhere within 45 minutes of where we are now.  I'm trying every aspect I can and I really hope something bites soon.

It was too easy to get back into the habit of staying up until 2am and rolling out of bed between ten and noon.  We've been watching season two of True Blood the last few nights, staying up until four in the morning.  The days are blurring together; half the time, I'm not sure if it's a weekend or a weekday.  I hate that.

Bills are still okay... ish.  Nothing big is due yet, but I'm scared for when it is and if we're going to have the funds to pay it.  The largest bills we have are electric and internet (with the bandwith allowance and the reset tokens).  The internet is probably over $100 and I'm sure our electric bill isn't trailing too far behind (I'm thinking $150 or so).  I hope we can get things taken care of by the time he receives his first paycheck or I find a job.

I need to find a job and I'm not sure if I can actually sell the La Bella Baskets.  If I do sell those, it will have to wait until I find a job and branch out from there.  That money would have to supplement between paychecks.

I'm sure it will all look up soon; I'm just tired of waiting.


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