Family holiday traditions

 When it was just living with my family growing up, we would open one gift on Christmas Eve (this gift was ALWAYS pajamas) and then everything else the next morning.  My sister always played "elf" with my mother; I always liked getting surprised the next morning.

Now that it's me, my husband, daughter, and bonus son, we have several more traditions.  We're keeping the one gift on the Eve (both Solstice and Christmas) and one of those gifts will always be pajamas.  On the morning of Solstice/Yule, we and the kids open 2-3 gifts.  On Christmas morning, everything else is opened.  A tradition that my husband's family has is tree presents.  Just a few small, wrapped gifts that are hidden inside the tree's branches.  

The stocking tradition with my family was fun, I think.  We always had two red apples and two oranges in the "foot" portion of the stocking.  The rest was filled with practical items (new toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.) but it was also filled with smaller fun stuff.  Since it was just my sister and me, it was pretty easy to fill our stockings each year.

Now, it's our daughter and bonus son.  Our daughter is five, so it's pretty easy to do her stocking.  The Boy (as we call him sometimes) is twelve, and is a bit difficult for us.  He's not quite old enough for those Old Spice or Axe gift set things, but he's too old for action figures and cards (Pokemon, Yugioh, etc.).  It's tough.  We figured out something and hopefully the kids will enjoy what they receive this year.


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