Consultation with Social Worker; appointment made

I spoke with her for a good two hours this morning, just figuring things out and what my options were. She's a really nice lady and printed out a nice long list of therapists near my home who take TricarePrime. I'll be calling them today. I'll also be calling my OB and asking her about my birth control; maybe not taking it anymore will help. I've noticed a little bit that I want sex a little bit more when I'm not on any birth control. I always thought I was the most horny then because of my period and not having sex to keep from making a bloody mess. Makes us wonder though.
Thank you to everyone for the support; it's appreciated.

Just a little update. I called the first psychologist recommended to me by the social worker this morning. Not sure how I really feel about going to therapy, but apparently I really need to figure some things out. I made a post somewhere about terrible thoughts I've had; someone told me that it sounds like anxiety and possible PPD (I think). If I like this woman, those thoughts will eventually come out. I don't want her to think I'm crazy or a loon, for having thoughts like these about my daughter; I'm afraid of her being taken away from me or vice versa. I'd die first if any of those thoughts were to even remotely come true.
Apparently, even people who don't like therapists love this woman. I'm hopeful
Bapsi Slali, PhD.


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