Never Really Good With Titles

Bella is feeling oh-so-much better now. Her fever broke before Saturday, though she was still clingy throughout the weekend. Her butt rash turned out to be a yeast infection/rash. We now have cream to help it get better. She's slowly but surely returning to the toddler we know and love.

I had my surgery follow-up appointment yesterday. What a waste of time that was! I got there when I was supposed to but waited in the exam room for an HOUR before he made it to me. Had he not knocked on the door when he did, I would have gotten up and rescheduled; I can't afford to miss two and a half hours of work without pay. I don't want to use more of my PTO; the more I have saved up, the bigger the check I get from ITS when I quit and relocate. That money is going to help us with the small things once we get to Colorado. I can't afford to use it up because the damn plastic's office is incompetent. On a lighter note, I ran into two old friends from the ship. It was nice talking with them for a little while.

I haven't really had much of anything to do in the way of work; I've been doing my schoolwork for American Government instead. I wasn't motivated today to do it, but I will tomorrow.

Patrick has TAP this week and is home already. This gives me the chance to stop off at the store really quick and pick up some damn sunglasses. The San Diego sun is killing my eyes. It doesn't help much that my eyes are extremely sensitive to light.

I'm dying for some new ink. I essentially want the below image tattooed on my upper right arm; same arm as the Scorpio zodiac. I can't wait. I don't want everything in the picture and it's going to be a little different from the image, but this is pretty much what I want. Either this or the one permanently on my page (earth tones).

With the next (and last), will have the zodiac tattoo on the other wrist and a mermaid with her child on the upper left arm. Not only are these larger tattoos for my child(ren), but they'll also cover up a part of my past that I want to, not forget, but move on from.

Hopefully I'll update again soon!


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