Diagnosed Depression -- yay! (not)

Simply put.. I just want to cry. In fact, I am. Not full blown crying, just tears streaming down my face (no runny nose or anything).
I'm being faced with choices; choices I really don't want to deal with. My emotional/mental state, how I want to practice.
I went to my obsetrician on Wednesday to see about my libido. After some conversation, she asked me to fill out a PPD (post partem depression) scale/survey. Based on the answers I gave her and my family history that I told her, it sounds very much like depression.
My husband asked me later that day (after I'd told him about it) what I had to be depressed about. He didn't mean it to sound condescending. It did a little bit, but I know he didn't want to be. Truth is, I don't know. Sometimes, I just don't feel happy or want to cry when there's nothing to cry about. Sometimes I wonder if it's just something that's from my past that my mind doesn't want to let go of yet. Maybe my mind doesn't know how.
Someone from social services should be contacting me soon to make a consultation appointment. This is to see where I am and what needs to be done. I don't like being the center of attention, I'm not an attention whore. I don't like spouting out, "Poor me! Pity me, be sympathetic for me!" It's stupid to do that and very selfish. I'm not selfish.
I'm not.

ETA: My OB thinks this may be another reason my libido is gone. I had my blood drawn yesterday for my thyroid. Thank you for the words of experience and kindness. It's very much appreciated. It's hard to explain to my husband (wonderful, loving man that he is) about *why* I'd be depressed. He doesn't understand, but he wants to. How can you explain this when you can barely put it into words? I mean, is there a website I can send him to, to help him understand that there isn't always a reason? He knows my family history with depression.
My younger sister found out she had depression shortly after she got to her ship (she joined the Navy before I did). She would cry for absolutely no reason; pissed her off more than anything else. She said she needed to go and talk to someone and they also gave her pills to help.
My mother was recently diagnosed with moderate to severe depression; she's 50 and has been struggling with issues of her own mother. She has major abandonment issues with her mother; I'm not even sure if she's worked through them yet. She's had these issues for over 45 years. They're now trying to figure out the right dosage for her.
My grandmother was also depressed and took medication for it. Then again, her husband died in 1966 (I think) in a plane crash (he was a pilot and was flying one of those double-winged planes). My mother, the youngest of three daughters, was maybe 9 or 10; he died the day Martin Luther King, Jr. was buried. She never remarried.
Looking at my life now, I should be fine. My current life is absolutely wonderful. I have a job that pays decent (well, okay), but it doesn't help much with the debt we have. Hubby's still active duty but not bringing home what he should be (long ass story). Finances aside, I'm perfectly happy. Well, finances and my libido, anyway.
Growing up sucked. Again, long ass story. Those may be issues to bring up later.
Sorry to ramble; I'm just hoping to find some answers. I know none of you are medical professionals but it's nice to get some feedback, especially from those who've experienced similar events.


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