FAQ: What is a Fluffy Bunny? (as it relates to new Pagans)

FAQ: What is a Fluffy Bunny?

This is a difficult question to answer, simply because there are many ideas regarding what constitutes a fluffy bunny. In this journal I hope to provide an overview of the different types of fluffy bunnies. If you feel that I've incorrectly defined or labelled a fluffy, please feel free to either post here or PM me so that I can update these definitions.

~Fluffy Bunny 1: The Beginner (A.K.A. the "Newbie")~

These are of the harmless sort, which do not deserve to be flammed or mocked. Only guided with patience, care, and attention. I'm sure many of us were of the "Newbie" variety. I most certainly was. A friend has provided a great definition for what constitutes a Newbie.

"Fluffbunny" is a word that is used to berate those who are new or optimistic about their own interpretation of the Wiccan Rede. They believe that they can do no harm and be witches. This idealistic view is not within the tolerance of many "practiced" witches. Sadly, they have forgotten their own beginnings in the craft - or worse - never had that idealism.
I remember well the idealistic views that I began the craft with and the sadness when it proved beyond my capacity to keep it in the heat of warring witches.
The "fluffbunnies" will grow up all too soon. I miss the innocence.

The Newbies are open to information, and that's precisely why they've most likely come here. For correct information, for open discussion, for general or varying opinions and insight regarding anything from God/desses, to Herbs, to Elements, et cetera.

~Fluffy Bunny 2: The Pop Culture Bunny~

Those who have watched too many episodes of Charmed, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and/or Angel; seen The Craft too many times; have read Harry Potter, the Sweep Series, et cetera; and cannot seem to separate fictitious inventions from reality.

These are different from the people who have seen the magick in The Craft and who ask, "is there such a being as Man'al real?" Because this is an honest inquiry. The Pop Culture Bunny is the kind to see rituals used in Buffy, and attempt to replicate them exactly. Then going on to claim to others that they've opened a Hellmouth, and now a Sloggoth demon is after them.

The kind who want the drama they see on TV manifest in real life. They want that kind of Hollywood excitment in their life, so they try their hardest to replicate fiction. They weave worlds of dellusion around them, and refuse to acknowledge magick honestly does, and can do.

Fluffy Bunny 3: The Bad Historian (A.K.A. The "Poor Me!" Bunny)

These are different from the Beginner Types because the Bad Historian Bunny knows that Wicca is only about 60 years old, but continues to claim that it is thousands of years old. That Wiccans were persecuted during the Inquisition (rather than innocent Christians), that Wiccans were burned at Salem (no one was burned at Salem), and that the evil Christians are out to thwart Wicca at every turn. For this reason, they're also known as the "Poor Me!" bunnies.

This is the sort of Bunny that will wear "Never Again the Burning Times" buttons, and will hiss every time they pass a Church, and will "recall" countless lifetimes in which they were persecuted for witchcraft. These sorts of Bunnies are pretty stuck in their way, so all that one can really do is smile, nod, and carry on without any further thought.

~Fluffy Bunny 4: The White Light Bunny~

This is the "I only practice White Magick" form of Bunny. They generally believe that all of the magick they practice is "white" or "good," and either deny the existence of dark/black magick, or are hell-bent on opposing it.

Very seldom do they consider the intention of their "white-light-Glenda-type" of magick. Is it wrong to bind someone if they are a danger to themselves or others from doing harm? Usually not, but they will insist it is. Or they will continually try to heal and send energy to someone that really only prolongs a suffering existance when that individual has come to grips with mortality.

~Fluffy Bunny 5: The Anti-Fluffy~

These are the sorts of fluffies who make it their sole purpose in life to belittle and insult the fluffies. They condemn them at every chance. They're often bitter and highly arrogant, believing that they alone have the correct view of magick and philosophy and that Fluffies are only serving to cheapen magick.

I've seen some anti-fluffies who look like Nancy from The Craft. All in black, looking terribly goth (there's nothing wrong with gothic style, but anything done for the wrong reasons is not very dignified) and scary. Regardless of their rhetoric or the particulars of their rantings, the Anti-Fluffy is still a Bunny.

~Fluffy Bunny 6: The Blinded Bunny~

This is the kind of Bunny which strips basic necessities from a given practice or religion, watering it down, or altogether butchering it. As Asimis suggested: The type of Bunny who focuses solely on the Goddess, while ignoring the God altogether, then claiming that s/he is "balanced" and believes in the "balance" of the Universe. (Often goes well with Fluffy Bunny 4)

Or the kind who starts a Coven for the sole purpose of being High Priestess, and demanding veneration from the coven members.

Another kind of Blinded Bunny is the kind which believes that only heterosexuals can be Wiccan, because Wicca is a fertility religion, which stresses the ability to procreate. I don't know about you, but I've always heard of Wicca as being described as a "Nature-Oriented" religion rather than a "Fertility" religion.


In conclusion, one could begin to associate the word "fluffy" with "nonsense." Thus, a Fluffy Bunny, would one who is ridden with nonsensical and counter-productive opinions. Rarely does a Fluffy Bunny recognize that their opinions reflect reality just as poorly as everyone else's. They tend to carry the notorious "Witchier-Than-Thou" attitude. That, coupled with bad history, too much pop culture, or a hell-bent offence makes for an ugly combination.


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