Old Memories Resurface - If only I knew then what I know now

When I was around 9 or 10 (I think), my younger sister and I would go over to our friend's house. We had plenty of them throughout our neighborhood. The house we went to this particular day, was a small family of three. In a predominantly Utah Mormon neighborhood, this was nearly unheard of as most families had at least three children. I digress.

Her playroom was the entire downstairs den/living room area. She had an esay-bake oven, Barbies and one of those play-kitchen things from Fisher-Price. The three of us were playing fine on our own. Her dad came downstairs to see what we were up to and asked to join in.

This man was creepy to me. His skin wasn't smooth and looked greasy, or oily. Dark brown hair and large, 80s eyeglasses. From what I remember, he sounded like a very soft-spoken man. Now, he sounds like a pedophile. I know that's a generalization just based on tone of voice; maybe I've watched too many episodes of Law & Order: Special Victim's Unit.

That day, when he joined in our play, he laid his hands on us, holding on longer than was comfortable, going over my torso. I think the same thing happened to our friend and my sister. I was so uncomfortable there and I think my sister was, too. We left that day and never went back.

I hadn't thought of that little girl until recently. I have no idea how old she is now (maybe early-mid twenties) or if they even still live in that house. From the television shows and programs I've watched in the last ten years or so, it makes me wonder how terrified she must have been. There's something inside that tells me he molested her throughout her entire time at home. I see her as some skinny, blonde hair, sunken eyed girl. I see her with low self-esteem and self-worth. I see a frightened girl.

I wish I'd said something about it to my parents after my sister and I returned home. Maybe something would have been done.

ETA: I've never told this to anyone. Those of you on CafeMom are the first. I don't know if/when I'll ever tell my husband. But, it hasn't affected my life a lot; I pushed it to the back of my head and forgot about it... until now.


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