Pissed Off

We've been saving money from our paychecks since January so that we have money to move with. At some point, we stopped using my husband's paycheck (his bring-home is about half what it should be); this affected our savings plan. We needed to use some of the saved money to replace my rear brakes. Okay, cool, technically a moving cost as we need a vehicle safe enough to transport two adults and two children under the age of 2 years old. And then other shit happened and we had to transfer more money from our move fund account (my own personal savings account; not joint with my husband) to take care of that. I get monthly money from two sources (one of which is a VA Compensation check as I qualified for a 10% disability upon getting out of the Navy.. a minimum of 10% is all that's needed to get VA Compensation). One of these sources is automatically deposited into my savings account; the other is transferred from my checking.

Anyway, last week, we had $2,475 saved out of the $3,500 we need (we're essentially moving two different houses-worth of stuff) for moving trucks, gas, motel night stay as well as food and water. We're going to go as minimalist as possible. We're also planning on having a yard sale in late July. I'm just hoping people stop by and buy stuff; all of the proceeds from that yard sale are going directly to our moving fund. Oh, how much do we have in there now? Well, after having to transfer about $300 to checking for some things that came up (oh, like the fact that I've needed a new prescription for my eyes for the last two years; kinda need to be able to see well to ensure the safety of the afore mentioned adults and infants), we're down to $1,900. Yeah, we MOVE August 21 (we can't stay longer; my husband will be released from the Navy the day before and we're in military housing; once you're out, you're out and cannot occupy that space anymore). The one source we were using I'd only planned on using twice, as it's supposed to go to something else. Now, we HAVE to use it for our move. I'm pissed as hell that it's come to that, but we don't have any other choice.

I did a settlement for one of my indebted credit cards. The amount was just over $500, which was fine. My mother was kind enough to help out with 98% of it (the $500). I deposited it into the account being used to pay this card. They were supposed to take it on Monday; I checked yesterday and nothing was posted. I had to move even MORE money over to cover gas expenses. It's fucking bullshit. For those who are on my friends list, you can see the little savings ticker I've got. I'm serious about the message on there, but I won't ask for anything. Shit, even if I get sympathy, it's fine. I'm not asking for money; I just want to clarify that.


I'm just venting.

--QUICK UPDATE (yeah I know, I just posted this--

I called the ERS Solutions who's taking care of the debt I owe on that particular credit card. The amount that was supposed to have been run was about $510 -- HE FORGOT TO FUCKING RUN MY CARD ON MONDAY!!! The woman I spoke to ran it instead. I am fucking LIVID. She said maybe he forgot due to the Father's Day holiday. I said, yeah, maybe, but he also has customers that he needs to fucking remember!! I spoke with him before getting off the phone. His son had apparently had a seizure. Okay, cool, sorry to hear about that, I really am. But, I was nearly unable to provide for my own child because of something that wasn't passed down to someone else. I shouldn't have had to call them. Don't they have reminders or something?! FUCK! Now I'm going to have to ask my mother for financial help again. She said she'd be willing to help out with that savings if we needed it; well, we fucking need it. I had to transfer $350 from our moving fund to cover other expenses. We are now down to $1,550. We need just under $2,000 to make it all up and make our goal of $3,500.


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