Bella's Potty Training Has Begun!

We went out and bought Bella her potty chair and a package of Easy Ups (Pampers). I didn't want to use Easy Ups, but I honestly don't know what else to try. These seem to help her realize that she's made an "eww" right after she did it. Once she does, I'm taking her to her potty and having her sit on it. We have the wipes right there, so when she's "done" on the potty, she can wipe.

Sometimes, she'll want to sit on the big potty and we've done this and without the blue piece on the toilet seat. I like it so far. It'll definitely take some time and consistency, but I think we can have her potty trained by the time she's 2 years old.. maybe a little bit past. Hopefully by New Year's she'll be completely potty trained.

Every time she does something good (like telling me "eww" or "potty", I make a big deal out of it. Once she goes in the potty, I'm going to make a big deal about it.

It's very easy to remove the blue piece to put on the toilet seat and it's just as easy to take it off the toilet seat to put it back on the potty chair. I would write a pre-review for Wal*Mart (where we bought it) but apparently, it's so new that the site doesn't have it up yet.

If two hours go by and she hasn't said "eww" or "potty' we are going to the potty to sit down for a few minutes. I'm also taking her when I go; Daddy not so much because he has different parts.

1-2-3 Teach Me Training System
The 1-2-3 Teach Me Training System includes a potty, trainer seat, and step stool in one!

  • Built-in handles on trainer seat - so far, so good
  • Easy clean drop-in bowl prevents leaks and spills - haven't had any messes, but the bowl is easy to drop in and looks like it would prevent leaks and spills
  • Non-slip base - it has two rubber pieces that go on the bottom part of the white piece, to keep from slipping
  • Teach me chart helps your child learn the 5 steps of potty training - this is located on the top of the lid (green piece). You can't see it very well though.
  • Includes a potty training guide - this has to be the same as the above; the "User Guide" has the parts list, how to assemble, how to use, how to transition to the toilet and how to clean. Nowhere do/did I see a potty training guide.
Safety 1st 1-2-3 Teach Me Potty Chair


I put her on it after her nap. Super poopie, but showed her where it goes and then I sat her on her potty chair, thinking she's not going to do anything... then, I heard the tinkle-tinkle of her going pee in her potty!! I'm so proud of her!!


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