Day 2 of Potty-Training

I took her into the bathroom with me first thing this morning. Her diaper was loaded with pee, but we did end up giving her about three milk bottles last night.

We go in, strip her bottoms and sit her on her potty. I'm sitting across from her doing my own business. I squint my ear toward her potty and she's peeing in the potty again!! This is great!! I made a big deal about it but not very loud; hubby was still sleeping. I'll take her in there every couple of hours or when she says, "Eww." Normally when she says that, it's too late, but I'd rather put her on it anyway.

She should pee in the potty again after her nap. =) Eventually, it'll happen more often. She'll wear diapers at night until we change her crib to a toddler bed. Then it's a whole new ball game.


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