Bella's Vocabulary - Past 100 Words!!

Any words from #77 on (in other words, those in color) have been said/learned after coming to Denver. =)

1. Daddy
2. Dada
3. Mama
4. Mommy
5. Nana
6. broder (brother)
7. Jeffy
8. pasta
9. pizza
10. blankie
11. bottle
12. baby
13. hot
14. cold
15. boobies
16. butt
17. bum
18. nose
19. eyes
20. brow
21. nigh-nigh
22. bach (bath)
23. hi
24. bye
25. angel
26. toys
27. cookie (which is an unsalted saltine cracker)
28. ready
29. go
30. outside
31. yeah
32. rainbow
33. pretty
34. happy
35. ugly
36. eww
37. owie
38. pee
39. peas
40. cheese
41. juice
42. shoes
43. milk
44. water
45. doggy
46. mine
47. no
48. uh-huh
49. again
50. uhm (up)
51. all done
52. a bite
53. whee
54. eat
55. shit (she rarely says this but she does say it; she will learn when it's okay and not okay to say it)
56. bitch (read the above parentheses)
57. Bella
58. Belladonna
59. uh-oh
60. safe
61. ta-da
62. one
63. two
64. three
65. leaf
66. laces
67. watch
68. zoom
69. hello
70. phone
71. Chris
72. purse
73 doody
74. sucked
75. boobs
76. yes
77. Mimi
78. Gampa
79. kitty (sounds like "titty")
80. bear
81. Taylor
82. Niko (knee-koh)
83. yellow
84. hungry
85. Mina (we're thinking this is a combination of "Mimi" and"Nana")
86. Nina (imaginary friend maybe?)
87. cup
88. sippy
89. all gone
90. potty
91. ball
92. hug
93. bless you
94. sorry
95. thank-you
96. cooking
97. kitchen
98. towel
99. paper
100. color
101. bunny
102. bacon
103. glass
104. welcome

105. It's okay, Gary
106. Bird
107. Kat
108. music


She can say over 100 words. She's even able to differentiate between many of those words. So proud of her!! She'll be 2 in three months. Have I missed any others? I think I've forgotten two or three, but I'm not sure.


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