Much Ado...

My tax refund showed up a couple of weeks ago. It was nearly $4K. We opened a new bank account here in town with it, to make things much easier (especially deposits and such). Thing is, with the bills we've started here, and paying off a couple of things, it's dwindled to barely $700.

We still need to pay the trash this month (roughly $20) and I need to get in touch with my student loans to do the [first] payment of roughly ($240). I don't want to get behind on that.

There's also the debt I've got with Grantham still. Last time I checked, that balance was to the tune of $1,500. I'd really like to get that debt off my back.

There's also my credit card through my Navy credit union. The amount isn't so bad; it's less than what I owe Grantham. I'm sure that once I get those two items paid off (once I'm working, that is), my credit score will have improved. Hopefully, the only recent negative thing will be the current student loan I'll have been paying off steadily, sometimes making double payments.

I'd love to be able to make double payments, but I haven't got a clue when that will be. I'm afraid that we won't be able to get a home loan until all three are paid off and thus have zero debt.

Our home in Texas is what we're making of it. It's a three bedroom, two bathroom trailer home. We have a decent little living room and an eat-in kitchen. The service/laundry room is just outside of our door.

When you walk in the front door and turn right, my mother-in-law's room is at the end of the hallway. If you were to go to her door and make a 180 degree turn, the shared bathroom would be on your right. Next to the bathroom, is Bella's room; next to her, is the AC/thermostat.

In front of the main door, looking in, you have the living room. The wall on the right side is covered with book shelves, holding, not only books, but VHS's and DVD's. Upon turning left from the front door, you see the kitchen and the eat-in area. There's a door just before the bedroom on the right, which houses the washing machine and dryer. Then, there's the "master" bedroom and bathroom. The bathroom has dual vanities and a garden tub. The bedroom has a walk-in closet.

And that's it.

The carpet is bur-bur (I think) and it messes up your feet pretty bad. The linoleum tiles are damaged. From the looks of it, they were placed right on top of the old stuff. You can see this in the kitchen and master bathroom. The counters in the kitchen could use to be replaced, but who has that money laying around?

In any case, it may not be the best of conditions, but it's what we have to work with, and we'll make it work. We're making it work.

Patrick found a job working at Staples part-time. He officially starts on Tuesday.

Mom and I have yet to find work.

I applied for a manager-in-training (assistant manager) at the Walgreens here. If the position is still open, I would hope that it wouldn't take long for a call back for an interview. Hopefully my time spent at my Denver store will help (considering my original interview for that store was for assistant manager).

I've also applied to American Electrical Power (AEP). They're supposed to be very veteran friendly. There's a GI periodical naming it one of the top employers for vets and current active duty members. This makes me happy.

I'm sure either job will pay just fine. Walgreens is a 40+ hour work week, not sure of pay. AEP is probably your standard 40 hour work week, not sure of pay. I think the pay may be the defining factor, if interviewed for both.

I'm trying to study for my state board exams. I need to find the textbook, first. We're not sure if it's still in Denver, or in Patrick's truck. When the weather cools down, we'll check it out. I did find a website for the curriculum used here in Texas. It's a neat study guide site, that has practice written exams. Each time you log in to take the practice exam, it randomizes the questions, so that you don't get the same questions all the time. This site costs about $30, but I think it's very worth it. The written exam is in Tyler, TX; I believe this town is about an hour away. The practical exam is in Dallas, TX; nearly two hours away from where I live.

So, that's the last several weeks in a nutshell.

I will try and update the online blog more often, but I'm not sure who really reads it. My page says I have 3 followers, but does anyone really pay attention to when I updated? No worries; I blog for me.


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