Vague Morning Memories

Almost since we moved here, Bella's been crawling into bed with us in the mornings. Today, was nothing new. I have vague memories of her climbing in, snuggling up to me and throwing her left arm and leg over me. I wasn't sure if I dreamed it or not. Either way, I thought it was kind of sweet. Thing is, she only ever climbs in on my side of the bed; never my husband's.

At some point, she got up and went into the living room while Patrick got ready for work. He woke me up around 8:30 (when my alarm for him went off), saying I should probably move to the living room couch. Most mornings, I get up with Bella and we go to the living room for some Phineas and Ferb. I get her some breakfast and then I pass out on the love seat.

She asked for a movie and went searching for one. I asked her for the tv remote and PS3 controller; she came back saying she wanted to watch Twilight. She'd picked up New Moon, but she didn't care. She wanted to watch it.

I'm one of those moms who doesn't severely censor what my child watches. Aside from adult movies (rated MA and up), there isn't much I won't let her watch. Pan's Labyrinth is one I won't let her watch. Not because it's in Spanish, but I think it's too much. Then again, this child enjoys watching the Saw, Resident Evil and any other scary movies we have.

Today, is some minor grocery shopping. I'm making lasagna for friends this weekend.


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