Peace and Quiet

There's something to be said about taking a long, relaxing bath in the middle of the night, without hearing, "Mommy, whatcha doin'?" or "Can I watch tv in your room?" or "Where's Daddy? [at work, honey].

I ran it a little hotter than I wanted to, but it felt great on my knee.  I woke up with it really stiff this morning, and the hot water soothed it better.  It's not nearly as stiff as it was earlier in the day.

I decided to not work on my story today.  For starters, I stayed up with Bella after serving her banana oatmeal this morning (8:30) after getting only five hours of sleep (I tried getting to sleep earlier, but it wasn't happening).  I put in Guitar Hero World Tour and started a solo career.  After a few hours of that, I put in Rockband (better set list).  In an attempt to remain awake, I brewed a fresh pot of coffee and drank about 8 of the 12 cup servings it brewed.  I also have another cup of coffee sitting right in front of me.

Now, I know what you're going to say.  It's not the coffee keeping me awake at night.  Today was the first in quite a few days that I drank coffee.  It seems that shortly after we moved here to Texas, my nights started running later. 

After having my bath and washing my hair, I feel relaxed and hopefully will sleep tonight.  Meaning, I'll get to sleep at a decent time and not 3:30am.  Wish me luck.


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