It's going to be a long day tomorrow

So, tomorrow I have a full work day from 9am - 5pm.  I also have a government class from 6pm-9pm, so I'll pretty much be gone from the house for 12+ hours.  I'll be home for my lunch hour, since it only takes me 10 minutes one-way.

I'm still recovering from the last four workdays.  I've had four full eight hour days and standing in one spot, hardly able to move more than maybe two square feet at a time.  Sometimes, I can get out of my register cubicle to scan stuff in a cart, but that doesn't always happen.

I'll be able to eat lunch at home (I think I'm going to skip the mayo and mustard on my sandwich to cut down on the bad calories and whatnot).  I'm going to see if I can stop by Taco Bell or something on my way to class tomorrow evening.

I'll be happy when tomorrow is over because then it'll be another day off from work.  This entire week is a nearly 40 hour work week, something I'm not used to with this particular job.  If I can get more weeks like this, it won't be any problem at all.


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