Playing Hooky
Actually, I'm not playing hooky today. I worked for a few hours before coming home. I was going to see if I could work a little later (until I had to go to class tonight) but I wasn't feeling it, so I left when I was supposed to. If I were to play hooky all day, it would be spent on Facebook, CafeMom, Twitter, and playing Shaiya. I love Words with Friends on Facebook. It's a terrible addiction. I keep my skills up once a week by playing Scrabble with my hubby and mother-in-law. I have a favorite group or two on CafeMom, one of them being the Journals group. I used to frequent the Journals section way back when CafeMom first started, but the quality of those journals started going downhill. Really dumb (in my opinion) journals were getting votes from other moms to be in the top ten journals. Journals like, "I woke up and made some coffee and now I'm going to veg all day," were hitting #1 on a regular basis. I met a lot of my CM fr...