Experiencing Loss

It's never easy.  As we get older, our older family members and friends move on to the next phase in their life.  My great uncle passed away when I was 14 years old.  My great=great aunt passed away while I was on deployment less; less than ten years after my great uncle died (both were blood relatives, so not married to each other).

In June 2004, my paternal grandmother passed away.  I took this very, very hard.  I received a call from my mother in Denver (I was living in San Diego) that morning and by that afternoon/evening, I had plane tickets to return home and then fly back east for the funeral.  I was in my dress whites and my former Marine cousin had to do my neckerchief.  I read a copy of a poem I'd written on the plane ride there and slipped it into her casket.

In March 2010, her husband, my Pappy, joined her.  I took this very, very hard, as well.  I left work early that night (I was out of the Navy and working at Walgreens, living in Denver) and by the next afternoon, I had tickets for myself, Patrick, my daughter, Belladonna, and my mother.  My mother hadn't been a part of my dad's family, technically, since 1982, but she adored his parents and wanted to be there for me.

We stayed in Columbus for an entire week.  Mom took off for Cincinnati to visit her sisters while the three of us hung out with my dad, bonus mom, and brother.  The circumstances of my dad meeting my husband were morbid, but I'm glad they finally met.  By the time Patrick met my dad, we'd been married for six years.

I've also experienced loss of furry family members.  Everyone has experienced this, just like losing a people family member.  It hurts.  Every.  Damn.  Time.


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