My characters thus far

Isis-  Isis is a character I created for an RPG called EarthDawn.  I played this game with a couple of my friends and made new friends in the process.  She's an Elf with onyx skin (just as shiny, too), silver eyes, and her hair was blue and purple.  She was tall, thin, and cold as ice.  She was an Elemental mage.  She's one of my favorite character creations.  I sometimes play her when I'm back in town with those friends.

Jayde Azure - She's one of my characters from ShadowRun.  It's a combination cyber punk/fantasy RPG.  This is another mage, with some cyberware.  She doesn't have much, though; if she did, her magic wouldn't work anymore.  Her father is CEO of Aztechnology in South America.  She decided to go out into the world to see what she could do.  Daddy didn't like it and now she has to keep an eye out for his henchmen whenever she has a Run.

Ezraiya Dune-  Ezraiya "Ezzy" Dune was created for another RPG (role playing game).  This game was created while I was deployed and it was diceless (most RPGs are not).  We created the game on the fly and even tried to produce and market it.  It didn't happen; apparently there was another game out there with the exact same plot AND name.  Ezraiya was the person I wanted to be at the time.  She was strong, confident, lovely.  She could "manifest" anything.  Her favorite item was a danish to throw at her idiot partner in crime, Auzzie.  I met my husband before I started this game.  His character and mine actually hooked up; I think that happened before he and I became a couple.

Claire-  Claire Soren is a character I created for a book/novel that I'm writing.  I've been trying to write this damn thing for a long time.  Well, not a long time, but before my husband and I were married.  She's a single woman in her late 20s (early 30s?) who's been burned by the men she loves.  She ends up alone by the end of the story (I've already written the Epilogue).  She's also a very strong character but she has her own flaws. I see myself in her a lot, but hey, who doesn't see themselves in a character they've created?

I have several more characters from that story, but I don't want to share all of it.  If I did, where would the story be?


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