A first date worth remembering

I don't remember the first date I ever had.  I do however remember the first day of the rest of my life.  Yeah, I know, it sounds uber cheesy, but it's the truth.

The first date my husband and I ever had happened to be in Hawai'i.  We were both stationed on the same ship at the time and on a Western Pacific deployment (WestPac).  We were on our way home from this deployment and we moored to the pier just outside of Waikiki.  I'd made reservations (using a voucher from the Fun Boss on the ship) at a tourist spot hotel.  There was a Denny's across the street where we ate lunch after checking in.  It was pouring down rain almost the entire time we were there.

We went to dinner that night at a Chinese restaurant.  The place was practically empty.  Unfortunately, he got really sick and my poor love spent the evening in the head or trying to lay comfortably on the bed (come to think of it, I think it was the same room my friend and I stayed in on our way out on our deployment; they just put the beds together for my love and me).

I bought clothes that didn't fit me, but I thought they would eventually.  They never did.  The only clothes from that time that I still have is a dark blue Waikiki t-shirt with a gecko on it and some spilled water-based white paint on it.

My one regret is that we didn't go to the Arizona Memorial.  I will make it there one day and pay my respects to those Sailors who've gone before me.

Like I said, I may not remember my first date ever, but I remember one of the best dates with my best friend.

Later, our dates would normally include a movie or two.  On our way home from these movies, we'd discuss what happened and have really good conversation.  The longer the drive home, the better the conversation.  We miss those days.

Hey, love--  if you can, feel free to comment if I left out anything (that isn't censored for this blog).


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