Rosemary, Arnica, Dogwood Bark

The Healer sent me into the woods today.  She needed her herbs replenished and I offered to go.  Now that I'm here, I don't think I'll make it back.  I feel like I'm stuck in these woods now, waiting to become a part of it.  I can feel my feet, bare skin, sinking into the ground and standing firm.  My arms are stretching out toward the trees and my eyes are affixed on the sky above me.  The sky seems to be getting closer, my limbs now seeming stiff.  Instead of looking around me, I explore with the sensations my body is going through with my senses.  It seems as though I'm becoming one with them.

I knew I was different from the others.  I felt closer with nature than my friends ever did.  It seems that the Healer knew this, too.  She told me when I was younger that I was/am a Dryad.  I didn't believe her.  I guess, now I do.


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